**Carpathia's Mk VI Armor: Master Chief Going into Cryostasis!

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Daaaaaaamn jason . Why arent u already in the elite section? i didnt even notice that u made progress dont know why but i dont see this thread by regularly looking in the discussion section. Damn mate im totally stunned. not like randomly just WOW !

and btw u inspired me to use those small magnets. ill think bout it i ddint think that they are so strong :$

Robert Downey JR rocks so hard. :D i love his arrogant and cheeky style .:D

Thanks Pig! I'm not in the elite section because the suit is not complete yet. And, another moderator has to deem it worthy.

It's pretty often that threads that are located in the Creation Discussion Forum get overlooked, especially if they're in one of the four sub-forums, like mine is. Rather than just looking at the most recent posts on the main page, I click on the "What's New?" tab at the top of the page. This brings up a list of all the posts that have been made since I last checked. Sometimes there are a few pages of posts, but usually about a dozen, depending on how often I check.

And yeah, RDJ's got the Tony Stark personality down to an art. Talk about your all-time career come-backs!
Finished or not your way of describing ur progress is remarkably! :)
i was working too fast and too busy to make any progress pics which could describe it better. but yours is as i said remarkably! :)

Well RDJ is iron man . and thanks god he had the role cos he made the movie with his coolness :D not only iron man. sherlock holmes is the same story ... so perfect :D
Updated time!

Over the course of yesterday and today, I managed to get the shoulder area of the back plate bondoed and detailed. Here's how it started out...



My mouse sander decided to crap out on me today, and started throwing sanding disks, so I had to file/sand everything by hand tonight. But, I managed. To get the detail added in, you guessed it, I went to 1/16" mat board...



Now, I've never been particularly good at scribing trenches, so I took a bit of a different route (not a new one, just a bit different). I cut some strips of mat board the same width as the gap between the two detail parts shown above, and tacked it to the side of the armor with a bit of hot glue...


Then, I bonoded over top of the mat board strips, and sanded the bondo down, level with the top of the strips...


Then, I simply peeled away the strips...


...leaving behind very nice trenches...


Then, I added in the last bit of detail...


...and covered everything...


So, I messed around with my mouse sander for a bit tonight, and I really hope that I got it fixed. Otherwise, I'll be forced to sand the rest of the torso using only my dremel, files and sand paper (at least until I can get to my inlaws' and get my orbital sander).

I estimate that I could be finished with the bondo stage for the torso by Friday (if everything goes well) and have it painted on Tuesday (since I need to buy some paint, but have to wait until payday) and FINISHED by next Wednesday, including the full paint job, weathering and strapping. If I manage to get my battle rifle finished with enough time to spare, I'll go back and install the electronics as well. It would be nice to have them for the film shooting and the launch, but they're not completely necessary for either. I've also got to find some time to finish up my other knee and get both of those finished. I'm thinking about taking the thigh mounting points off the undersuit and attaching the straps to a belt that will be worn under the undersuit. That way, the thighs won't be pulling down on the undersuit, but they will be held up so they don't fall down over my knees while I walk (although the knee pads should aid in that as well).

So, there it is. Getting close!
As you have time and time again demonstrated, there is more than one way to skin a cat! Great job!
Omg caripitha if I could choose I would defiantly put this in the elite section of the forums!

What weaps are you gonna make?

Battle rifle maybe?
Omg caripitha if I could choose I would defiantly put this in the elite section of the forums!

What weaps are you gonna make?

Battle rifle maybe?

Battle Rifle for sure. If you check the first page of the thread, post 9, you can see the progress that has been made. It's actually a bit more progressed that that, I need to update it. Also, there are a few videos I'll move to that post showing the construction of the gun.

IF I have time (IF), I've been working slowly on a new M6G pistol as well. It's got magnets already installed and I'd love to have that strapped to my side.
Sweet, a suitable pistol for silencing elites with ( not that I would)
Make sure you have extra mags for battle rifle, the ammo goes down real fast!

Perhaps a bubble shield or maybe cortanas little AI chip?

( when I mean bubble shield I mean the generator not the bubble)

That idea for making the trenches is awesome!

As you have time and time again demonstrated, there is more than one way to skin a cat! Great job!

I've always been fairly good at problem solving. However, a lot of the little tricks I've used on this build, I've learned right here, in the forums, over the past few years. Either directly learned, or saw something the sparked an idea to solve a different problem. That's one thing I love about this site, the endless possibilities thanks to others sharing their work.

On a completely unrelated topic, I was managing my Youtube account today and noticed this...


...sweeet (thought in a South Park Cartman voice).
Two things,

1. I would totally like that allignment file lol

2. HOLY COW THIS IS AWESOME!!! Great idea indeed for the trenches. I am diggin what you have done.

p.s. What is the name of that spot putty if you dont mind me asking lol
Two things,

1. I would totally like that allignment file lol

2. HOLY COW THIS IS AWESOME!!! Great idea indeed for the trenches. I am diggin what you have done.

p.s. What is the name of that spot putty if you dont mind me asking lol

Thanks! I'll go ahead and post a link to the alignment details tonight since I feel that they are release-worthy.

The spot putty I use is made by 3M and is a Bondo brand putty, which you can find in the same location that you purchase bondo and resin. Here is a picture of the tube...



  • spot-putty-p.gif
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I've got another quick update for you all.

I started part two of my bondo session for the back plate last night, and managed to get a little further today. Here is where I was after the first sanding pass of the day...


I also added in a few more details last night, glazed them and sanded them today...


So then it came time to do more detail work on the back. The trenches around the shoulder areas were done, as always, with strips of mat board...



And the circle details above the light wells at the bottom were done the same way I did the circle details at the connection point on the chest plate...



Then, I laid down another layer of bondo and sanded until it was too dark to see anymore. Here is where the back plate is now...




Obviously I still have a lot of clean-up to do, and there is one more layer of detail before I move to the back center, which will have to wait until tomorrow.

The ab plate that sits under the chest plate has not been touched since it was glassed. However, the resin job was so smooth on the face that all I will have to do with that is give it a quick sanding, a glazing with spot putty and a final sanding before it can be painted. I've begun toying around with methods for implementing it into the suit, and I have a few ideas, all of which would probably work, but I'm leaning toward attaching it to the chest piece with either straps or velcro, we'll see.

So that's where I am now. Not quite as far as I wanted to be, I'll probably be finishing up bondoing and sanding the back plate on Saturday, then glazing it and giving it and the ab plate a final smooth sanding on Sunday. This will give me a few days to work on my knee pads before I get paid again so I can get the paint I need to finish this beast.

Thanks for watching. Let me know what you think.

Oh, and before I forget, here is the link to the Alignment Details I designed for the chest plate connection at the top...

The ab plate that sits under the chest plate has not been touched since it was glassed. However, the resin job was so smooth on the face that all I will have to do with that is give it a quick sanding, a glazing with spot putty and a final sanding before it can be painted. I've begun toying around with methods for implementing it into the suit, and I have a few ideas, all of which would probably work, but I'm leaning toward attaching it to the chest piece with either straps or velcro, we'll see.

Always a matter of personal preference on that secondary ab piece. Like you, I finished everything and found I still had on piece left to deal with. I ended up making mine permanently fixed to the torso. As it doesn't stick down further than the loops running under the arms, I found I really didn't need it to flex. When I tried it as a suspended piece, it rubbed and damaged itself, the torso piece, and occasionally, me. If you need it flexible, I'd consider hinging it from the torso to limit the contact points or bond it to a piece of the craft foam and bond the foam to the inside of the torso to make it essentially fixed, but able to flex just a little.

When I tried it as a suspended piece, it rubbed and damaged itself, the torso piece, and occasionally, me.

That's one thing that has crossed my mind the more and more I do test fits. I figure that it's an easy enough piece that I can play with until I get it to where I feel it's comfortable and practical. That has been kind of the way I've been fitting all of the parts of this suit. I build them, then put them on without any strapping to see where it needs support, take a stab at it and change it if it's wrong (you can actually see a lot of that in this thread, especially with the boots and torso). It's worked out pretty well so far, and I've learned a lot.
Whatever you do, don't stop being so freakin awesome! I've been watching this thread for so long, I crave new updates! Its stuff like this that gives me inspiration and ideas. Keep up the great work man!
This looks absolutely stunning! :)

Thank you!

Whatever you do, don't stop being so freakin awesome! I've been watching this thread for so long, I crave new updates! Its stuff like this that gives me inspiration and ideas. Keep up the great work man!

Thanks! If you've been craving updates, I've got more for you now!


Tiny update. No, wait, strike that.

HUGE update. I got a lot farther that I had anticipated tonight. Let the pics roll.

First off, I finished up the last bit of detailing on the second run of bondo work. I placed down some pieces of mat board, and laid down more bondo...



That was where I was at about 7:30 tonight, and it was all I wanted to get done, but I got that itch to continue. So, I started with the upper center.

Knowing that the ridge in the pep file was far too small, I did a bit of research and figured out what the shape should be, and build up a perimeter with mat board (now my go-to material)...


Then I bondoed it up!



Did the same thing to the bottom, and...


So, that means...


That's right!! The torso's bondoed!!



I'm officially FINISHED with the bondo stage of the armor build!!!

I managed to get my mouse sander working tonight, so it helped a bit, but only for the second stage of bondo work. The third and final stage (the upper and lower arcs) was all files and sand paper; and I truly think I got a great shape out of them!

So, tomorrow I'll glaze this. Then I'll work on the knee pads while the glazing dries. I'll give the back plate the final finish sanding when it dries and it will be ready for primer!

It's been a long road, and I don't think I've been more excited than I am now about the build. So close now I can taste it!

Let me know what you think!
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