Dude, you never cease to amaze me!
Can't wait for your next update, bro!
Can't wait for your next update, bro!
For the thatched middle section you could try to find a thin rubber floor mat with the same design, cut your shape and superglue it on. You could also try athin (2 or 3 mm) crafting foam patch and use a soldering iron to burn the lines on, or if you have a nice gluegun and a steady hand lay down the thatchwork with hotglue. Oh, and great looking helm, reminds me of Longshot-x's
Quick question, what did you use as a seal for the opening of your helmet? I'm looking to do the same, to avoid scratching/cutting my head up to much when putting on the helmet.
Thanks everyone for your compliments. I've not been able to work as much as I'd like on the build since school is in its final weeks and the workload is piling on, but I have managed to get the back portion of my undersuit started. I'll have some pictures of that up when it's complete.
I had thought of using foam. I may take your suggestion of a soldering iron and try to find some diamond shape, create a durable stencil and try to get the effect that way. Although, I won't be using any glue for the undersuit, it's all going to be sewn. Thanks for your suggestion.
For the lining around the helmet opening, I used automotive edge trim. It's intended for car door edges, but works very well for this application as well. Here is a picture of the exact product I used...
It's available at just about every automotive supply store (O'Reily's, Advance Auto Parts, etc), and it's fairly inexpensive (at most about $15) and there is a lot in a package, enough for half a dozen helmets I'd guess. Also, when you apply it to your helmet, you may have to cut a little off one side of the length of the trim. I had to do this because the trim was too tight to fit unaltered. It's a little difficult to explain, so if it is unclear, let me know and I'll try to get some pictures up to clarify.
Anyway, there's only 2 weeks left of school before the fall semester lets out. After that I should be able to get back on my BR and get the next series of vids up. So, keep an eye out.
Lookin good, love that undersuit, you're giving me the itch to do some more work on my midsection.
I looked on the bluerealm website for the thatchwork and Adam says he used a thin car floormat from Wal-mart. Good ol wally world.