I have a couple Sanders one is that blue one, which is a detail sander I'll post pics with my helmet updates later.
Right on going to be a sick helmet all painted... you have paint designed yet?
I have a couple Sanders one is that blue one, which is a detail sander I'll post pics with my helmet updates later.
Actually yes, I've decided it's going to be a textured metallic grey with dark red and the top somewhere is going to have a plasma burn as part of the battle damage. But I think it'd be better showing it than explaining it in good time. Bondo is coming along nicely still not sure how long I should let it set before sanding though.
Sounds great really excited to see finished product... also u building a full suit or just helmet?
Looking good man! Found this post because of the one you made on the Destiny post. After this project you should see about making your own Destiny helmet... you would have to start from scratch since destiny isn't even out yet but don't fret! Some ways are easier than others.