Clayegendary Helmet

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This is a great idea, one that I was considering myself. The build looks great so far however, I had the idea of making a mold of the legendary helmet and then using the cast helmet to build off of. What do you think, worth it or is building off of the original a good way to go. Keep up the good work. This idea looks great for anyone that does not have a lot of experience sculpting and may up their skill level. But I think that it's also for people that can afford to potentially "alter/wreck" their legendary helmet finish.
monstermike19 said:
pretty neat, if yours turns out good i might have to borrow a friends legendary helmet and give it a try
Lol borrow? If you try this on a friends make sure he doesnt care if he gets it back again.
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The helmet on the left. Did you make it yourself?? Otherwise, I'm not sure how your new helmet will look. Never seen anything like it before! ;)
man this is a pretty good idea. i also like seans idea about doing a custom paint job on the legendary helmet u put the clay around. that would defiantly be awesome!
That's looking really good Sigma. I really hope it turns out well. What would be totally awesome was if you had to redo the paint on two different legendary helmets and you did one red and one blue. It would be really expensive but really awesome.

Good Luck man and keep up the good work.
that idea of costom painting the lendary was so good that I have started to do it with mine. I will make a topic later with pictures.
Inquiring minds want to know how the original helm turns out.

I'm trying to talk a friend into letting me do the same thing so hurry up and finish! :)
If that clay is how I think it is, it shouldn't do any damage to the shape of the helmet but it might remove some of the paint.
Thanks for all the positive comments guys. I will be going with Sean's idea once I finish the mold properly.

I'm still having a few problems with getting it as smooth as I want. Since Super Sculpy is a polymer based clay, can I use rubbing alcohol to help me along or will it need to be something a bit stronger like mineral spirits or brush cleaner? I am such a n00b with clay... :cautious:
Hey Sig, Helmet is looking great, the only thing that bothers me is it's "Puffyness". Looks as soft as a pillow xD!

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