Clever UNSC Iconography


New Member
Something I noticed while making a stencil of the blocky UNSC logo is that if you take the text and rotate it 90° and then mirror it, it will say UNSC vertically.

This made me think of all the clever real life logo things and I appreciate whoever designed it. Also there are a few other examples in lore like the UNSC MARINES new logo is designed to fit in the little star section of the UNSC logo. Any other cool design references in Halo that have neat detsils?
Something I noticed while making a stencil of the blocky UNSC logo is that if you take the text and rotate it 90° and then mirror it, it will say UNSC vertically.

This made me think of all the clever real life logo things and I appreciate whoever designed it. Also there are a few other examples in lore like the UNSC MARINES new logo is designed to fit in the little star section of the UNSC logo. Any other cool design references in Halo that have neat detsils?View attachment 359251

It's not a perfect transition and it would be cool if there was a way to just make it so when you tilted it vertical it would read out without the need for mirroring but it's still cool that it works!

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