CLOTHAR's ODST Armour Build

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I'm glad to see your build back up and running I was really wanting to see some foam odst armor, and I really admire your space marine armor
Ninja - Thanks man, the space marine armour was (and still is) a lot of fun.

Life has been busy, so progress on the ODST has been slow. But I have been able to pick away at it over the last month. Finished up the shin piece, and got a start on the helmet. I think it is coming along nicely, but it is a very detailed piece, so I am taking my time. I will let the pictures do the talking here:






Let me know what you think.


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It been a little while since I've been over to this thread, and it looks like you've gotten a lot of stuff done recently. This is coming out very nicely! I'm impressed (and just a tad bit jealous) that your helmet is looking as great as it is. :). I can't wait to see this when it's finished man.
Looks really cool! Going to be starting on my own ODST build soon. So watching what you do to see if i can incorporate some stuff into my build.
Thanks everyone!

I managed to get the helmet mostly done, so I am almost done phase 1. Soon it will be onto detailing and prep for molding.

Helmet still needs a few finishing touches, but it is done enough that I can see it, and be happy with the size!



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Wait just a second ... You made the helmet from foam too ? That's one sexy job for a foam helmet I always thought it wouldn't work because it's so curvy but you seemed to manage . This build is coming along great can't wait to see more !
looking at this build makes me want to do an ODST from foam for my next build!
I have a quick question for you if you don't mind. I notice that you have used cardboard or something for spacers in sections of your helmet. What exactly are you using? I must say, it's pretty clever.
Hey all. I have been working on detailing pieces of the armour. Not really much to show in photos at the moment.

Father Damien - Hmmm, the space marine was tougher in the sense that I was learning the method. But the ODST has a lot more corners, and finer detail, so I would say the ODST has been more difficult.

Sikaxis - Yep, it is all foam! I have tried Pep in the past and it just isn't for me.

U513 - Thanks, glad you like it. You should give it a go.

Spicythai - Thanks, I look forward to seeing your version. Your spartan suit has a cool paintjob.

Flushercape - Thanks! I appreciate it.

Grave_Hawk - Good eye Hawk. It is actually 2 mm craft foam. It will save lots of effort/stress trying to carve the grooves in later!

Spartan 1336 - Well the project is incomplete, but so far... probably around $75 for foam, hot glue, and knife blades. I haven't formally tracked my time, but probably at least 50 hours, including scaling, printing, tracing, cutting and building.
Cool thanks im going to start my first suit of armorwhen i get the time im going with O.D.S.T variation one question do you know how durable the foam armor is because i want to know if i can use it for paintball I've seen armor that can handle it but didn't know what it was made of
I wouldn't recommend using foam armour for paintball. I think it would get beat up pretty quickly. You could coat the foam in plastic or resin to give it some added durability. I definitely wouldn't use a home made helmet for paintball. If the armour on your body gets damaged no biggy, but you could get seriously injured on your head/face if a helmet breaks.
Well life has been pretty busy over the last while, and I have been chipping away at a few things. I have been modifying the gauntlets for a better fit, and trying to get them to look a little more accurate. But no pictures of them since they are still in progress. I did decide to rebuild the shin piece. My earlier version was just too large, I tried modifying them but they were starting to lose features. But the new ones are great. The fit allows for much better movement. And, I modified the patterns in a few places to get a more accurate model. Pics:




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