Well-Known Member
are you going to be posting pictures now, because i might post some pictures of my armor in progress
Gearsofhalo said:are you going to be posting pictures now, because i might post some pictures of my armor in progress
Major Pain said:Well i tried diffrent things, but i got the best result from regular elmer's school glue and this fabric glue mixed together. I just brushed it on with a paint brush.
Gearsofhalo said:oh cool. i want to try that. cool are you going to resin over the foamies?
Major Pain said:Unfortunately no. That was one of the sealing techniques i tried but failed. The resin melts the foam before it can cure. I tried rubber cement, hot glue, and even diffrent putties (wood, metal, ect.) School glue is actually the best so far. after the FILLER PRIMER, its pretty durable and tight. I wouldn't say its completely water proof(needs more test) but after i primed it, i left it outside and it started to rain. I brought it in, wiped it down and it was fine. Maybe i'll scotch guard it as well.
Gearsofhalo said:MC, that wouls just be annoying, because it would keep falling off i promise. i would try a different route.
Major Pain said:Ok here goes......
First off, credit goes to Spartan51 for the files and PSBeretta for the inspiration.
Just want to say this is the first of 2 suits im building. This one is designed for my four year old son. He is a crazy Gears head and wanted to be Marcus Fenix for Halloween. The building materials are pep models, fiberglass cloth and resin, light bondo, then a layer of Foamies fun mat sealed in a fabric glue mix( i sealed it because the foam is pores and sucks to paint). The foamies material was my very cheap alterative to clay. I've never worked with clay and had no idea as to where to get some. The lights are not in yet, but i do plan on adding them.
Here is what it looks like after the Foamies.
After some primer.
The Greaves
Its all still a work in progress, but i hope my alternative to the clay is excepted by some of you who may be inexperienced or pressed for cash. Well, let me know what you think. Thanx.