PSberetta said:Thanks man!!!
Yeah, I did that with an airbrush and frisket paper.
I have a few more parts of the suit that are at least to the "Wearable" stage.
Here are some new pics.
Still need to finish up the elbows, thighs, handplates, biceps, boot armor, and the pouches and straps such.
PSberetta said:Spartan051, you posted this...
Edit: heres the letter for the mummy doll
Sorry guys, I don't want one of these letters coming my way.
Bungie and Microsoft seem to be willing to "Look the other way" when it comes to this stuff.
ILM is another one that seems to be "Ok" with certian items also.
So to answer anyones questions about getting GOW armor from me, no.
I am truly sorry.
I will not be offering up any armor that I have made but I will help anyone that has questions on how I made mine.
Just ask.
Sgt.O said:Hey guys, i have been looking everywhere, but i cant seem to find any pep files for Dom. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of what i can do, or where i could find the files. thanks guys
Squid_Squires said:I finially sit down and look around the site and find this, it makes me happy. I have a Marcus suit in the works, not pepped but scratch built to fit me oversized boots an all. Lancer is maybe a week away from doing a quick mold run a fiberglass copy, sand and perfect it then make a good mold, I also have sculpted and molded a Cog helmet, however I never got around to making the side mounted light for them. And thats my two cents.
Adam Anderson said:Dude, read the stickies. They're everywhere