Colonial Regiment Roll Call


405th Regiment Officer
Howdy Everyone!

The old "Introduce yourself" thread has been around since 2014, and while its nice to look back at 11 years worth of history, I think its time to blow off the dust and get an updated head count of who's around. I've only interacted with a few of you so I'm excited to meet y'all!

Location: (State, feel free to specify area if you want)
About Me: (Tell us about yourself! What got you into the hobby?)
Preferred Build Method: (How do you build your props?)
Build(s): (Show us some pictures of completion, or projects on the way!)
I might as well go first :)

Username: YTunz
Name: Ben
Location: Lancaster, PA
About Me: I'm an engineering student with a focus on Manufacturing engineering and Automation engineering. While working at an internship over the summer I accidentally stumbled into N8's videos on break and remembered how much I wanted a suit of Halo armor when I was younger. Did some research, made an account here, and its been history ever since.
Preferred Build Method: 3D Printing. My hands are way too shake-y for foam work.
Build(s): Still working on finishing up my ODST and MA5C, but I have finished my M6C SOCOM.
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Username: Benton188
Name: Benton
Location: Erie PA (The little nub by the lake)
About Me: I'm a avid tinkerer and thrift shopper, finding old junk and repurposing it has been a long time hobby of mine. I fell into armor building back in 2013 after attending a craft show and seeing an unfinished Pepakura model for the first time. Loved Halo since it first launched back in 2001, so combining the two together just made sense. Outside of cosplay stuff, I love to golf, bike ride, and thrift shop at auctions and yard sales.
Preferred Build Method: I build everything with EVA foam, though I'm well versed in Pepakura too and have a little knowledge with 3D printers
Build(s): I've built many suits, weapons, and other props over the years. Most notable being my current Spartan III suit, gravity hammer, mini-forklift, and the Ghost
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Username: Spartan OneOSix
Name: Brandon-106
Location: Maryland, Central
About Me: Just began 3D printing this year. I have three helmets, so far, in various stages of completion for IRL friends in our "fireteam", Fireteam Griffin we're called. The goal is to gift each of them their own helmet to inspire them to join me in cosplay at conventions.
At the very least, they'll be able to wear their favorite helmets I know they use in-game, Halo Infinite.
For myself, I'll be creating an entire suit of mjolnir for this online persona, Spartan OneOSix; fan-fiction backstory still under construction.
Turning 33 years old in March, I'm old enough to have had the privilege of enjoying all the games and lore since Halo: Combat Evolved. Halo is important to me and I'd love to meet some people who enjoy it as I do.
Preferred Build Method: Helmets and weapons are 3D-printed. Visors will be homemade vacuum-formed. At this time, I believe I'll be creating the armor from foam cut-outs. Each step in the process has been slow as I'm learning.
Build(s): Photos attached.
CQB helmet
Mark V helmet
Air Assault helmet
Two more to come, one for another friend and then my own. Lots of post-production to tackle.


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Username: Hari51
Mike Harrison
Location: Bath, NY
About Me:
Not much to tell than a Dad, a cosplayer, a gamer. Former Colonial RMO and been in the 405th as long as Benton.
Preferred Build Method: Turning into a Hybrid builder. Foam, Fabric, and 3D print all in one
Build(s): It's all on my phone. and if you know me I have built 4 halo suits for other. going on my 5th and final version of my ODST, a H3 Traxis worker, Red Hood, Gears of War Tactics Gabe Diaz, and soon a Mando ,Helldiver, and so much more for DragonCon.
Username: CallumWinree
Location: NE Pennsylvania
About Me:
Not much, but I am a husband, father, and gamer. Recently moved up here having been a part of the SW regiment for some time helping out with the events. Met a lot of y'all at C2 I believe as well.
Preferred Build Method: 3d printed
Build(s): Currently only have a custom H3 ODST completed but I have a CQC and Gungnir helmet printed, I am just unsure what I want to work on next and if I even want to do a full build.


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