I appreciate it. Just like most I am my own hard critic. When things don’t turn out how I see it in my head, I don’t give credit due for the work I put in. I did have fun making what I have so far though. I’m still going to make adjustments and changes on what I can. Its not a loss by any means. Just learning and getting better. Thanks again for the reassurance and supportive words MDB. I’ll be getting better and better the more I do.Better than my ODST!
Don't worry about being perfect to a T, My first spartan is by no means perfect, and neither will my second spartan. The primary purpose that I find when building my armor, is to give me something fun to do that I can look forward to working on every weekend, finding new challenges or techniques to try out. Sure in a sense we all wanna get that perfect armor, but at the end of the day, you have a pretty bad*ss Set of armor not many other people have AND you made it all with your own hands and skills.
Don't throw yourself down because you haven't made it into the top tier costume levels. Keep your chin up because you're taking the time to do something you enjoy and make something not many other people are willing to make for themselves.
I'm excited to see you and your awesome armor at the photoshoot!
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