Commando Helmet with UA attachment

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New Member
Hey 405th, been awhile again but Ive finally got something far enough to be worth starting a thread about.

Ive finished pepping (helmet and attachment both by Ruze) and almost fiberglassing my helmet (minus some touch ups and reinforcing). I have the visor cut out and getting ready to mount some lights and other electronics.



It definitely has flaws, but nothing I can't work out with bondo and lots of time. I wanted to make it so I could remove the UA attachment but figured it may slow down the project too much and I wouldn't get much further. This has taken me months to get this far and really I'm just proud I had the patience and drive to get this far at all.

Soon I'm going to get a visor and start fitting that, along with some LEDs. But I also have some other plans about other removable attachments that Ill expand on later. For now Id love to hear what you guys think about it so far and any words of wisdom for the future as this is my first pep, first fiberglassing, first anything like this.

looks awesome! especially for you first! far as the bondo goes, it seems small patches starting from the top seem to be way to go, ive seen many others do this helmet and with all the different areas on this helmet. ive been using this method and it works alot better, plus im not wasting bondo. someone here wired up this helmet and it looks SWEET...cant remember the dudes name off the top of my head, i'll look it up and get back to you. again, looks great man, take your time and it will pay off!
i agree the folds look so nice and clean and im having troubles finding any errors this is well done congrats
Looks really nice. Go easy with the bondo, real light coats, and a little at a time.
Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.

I've been working a little more lately and got some of the first bondo work in along with some test fitting of the visor



Sorry about the slow progress, its been too cold to work with the resin and even bondo in my garage so I have to find some other places to create large amount of messes in
It's looking great. Where did you get the visor from? I'm looking for a mirror'd visor myself but I don't trust most of the descriptions online really.
maybe you could just put some magnets on the UA and some more again on the INSIDE of your helm? just a suggestion.
I purchased the the visor at a local Fleet farm for $16

And to SpartanT117, your idea is good but the visor has already been fiber glassed into the helmet. Before glassing I wanted to make it detachable but I prefer the look of it so much I figured I could save lots of time by making it permanent. I also cut through the helmet to access the space inside of the visor so as to place batteries and/or certain sensors I wish to incorporate later.
looks very good, i am working on the same build, i looked for days and cant find the bill attachment for this helmet but it seems you have. do you mind sharing the like to the pep file? excellent work so far i cant wait to see the finished product.
Hello again 405th,

I have actually been still working on my helmet but since Im still on the bondo smooth and sculpt and detail stage all the images would have looked roughly the same. This project is taking me a very long time but part of that is due to a very cold winter, ive been pretty busy with work, I can be impressively lazy at time, and I am a bit of a perfectionist. But I did bring some pics;


This one may not look to different other than multiple layers of bondo, some layers of sandable primer I used to more easily see peaks and valleys of the helmet and some modelling putty. One part Ive most recently been having some issues on is the visor. The pep file was kind of missing an edge, you might be able to see it a little better in this next pic;


Theres a vertical part on the side and then and angled side, and then angled again for the main part of the visor. Sorry I don't know how to explain it well, but I had to bondo that in since the pep file was just vertical to flat. Nothing against the pep file, Ruze you did an amazing job, I may have even pepped it wrong. Its quite possible, this was my first pep and there were many mistakes.

I still have much to do, but I'm doing my best. Id love to hear any suggestions of criticism you guys have for me. Thanks
Not a huge update this time, I did do some more smoothing out and cleaning up. I also put the lights back in obviously, but not permanently yet. Also the visor isn't completely mounted yet so you can see small gaps. I did a coat of sand-able primer to get a better picture of what still needs to be smoothing out and filled in still.

I think its coming together finally, I still see a lot of work to be done but I'm getting there and I'm liking how it looks.



I have Tenebrus, Ive studied Blackula's thread many times over as it has been most helpful in creating my helmet. But I have a feeling that my helmet is a little bit larger than his and/or my visors are smaller because there isn't quite enough room along the edge to put holes into the visor and fasten it to the helmet. I do have some mounts that work around that issue.

The best way I can think of describing them is like a screen door. I have screws in place in the helmet with strips of aluminum fastened to them that extend over the edge of the visor holding it in place with minimal surface area needed.

It isn't completely implemented yet because as I progress with my helmet Im starting to think Ill just work on those things in the casts since this one has become sloppy with repeated adding of bondo for structure and design. But I continue to watch over Blackula's and many other helmet threads for new ideas. I also appreciate you, Tenebrus, for pointing me towards other threads that may help me.
Drednought, that's an amazing helmet - especially since it's your first. I'm loving the way it's turning out. I'll definitely be checking this thread when I build my Commando UA.
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