Community Game Night - Halo: The Master Chief Collection Mod Night! (02/19/2022)

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Division PR
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Member DIN
Hey folks~! So after a lot of planning, organizing, and playtesting; we are planning for our first full fledged modded multiplayer evening coming up this week! The mods have all be stored away in my personal drive; properly pathed for easy drag and drop into the "Vortex" mod manager that can be found at Nexus Mods! This is planned to be streamed as well and is a PC player only event given the nature of mods not being available on Xbox as of yet. The content that is planned for games is as follows;

Content can be found: HERE
Vortex: HERE

Halo 3:

- Arktic Island ( Death Island)
- Ascension
- Conflux
- District
- Skedar
- Ivory Tower
- Lock Out
- Munincipality
- Sanctuary
- Zeta Ark

Halo CE:

- CE Plus

Halo Reach:

- Halo Reach: Evolved

This event may also be following right on the tail of the announcement of the rest of the modding tools being added as a update is confirmed coming for MCC with a blog upcoming this week! Please either RSVP here, contact myself or TurboCharizard on Discord if you like to participate in the fun and if you have any questions at all!
You have my full attention. I'll begin setting up immediately. Let chaos reign. Also I'll also need a reminder for vacation juice, maybe we can remind each other Turbo? That seems like a recipe for neither of us remembering.
I'll RSVP for this one.

Remind me to collect vacation juice beforehand.


  • ModdedMCCMayhem.png
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Thank you for games tonight everyone! It was a bit chaotic but was so much fun to mess with all the different weapons and vehicles that were added in. I can't wait for the next one when we have even more mod tools available.
No. No. No. No no no. *backs away slowly*. Wub wub wub. There is sand up here. Wonderful memories made. Y’all are fantastic and that was a great time. Can’t wait for the next one! Modded Mayhem II: Madness Boogaloo.
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