HugeGrass Gamenight! MCC Computer only at 8pm EST on Sunday the 15th

Wayward Flood

Active Member
Member DIN
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Come on down to Hugegrass to drive a Scarab, shoot your friends with a Stanchion, and bask in the glow of a Shiva-class nuclear missile launched from your very own GA-TL1 Longsword!

Downloading "Hugegrass 2.0" in the MCC workshop in your Steam app thingy is required. Unfortunately this is only possible to play on a computer.

The game night will begin at 8pm EST on the Sunday the 15th. I would encourage you to resubscribe to Hugegrass 2.0 on the Steam Workshop and see if you can load the map in Halo 3 multiplayer in MCC before we start. There will be a Scarab and Mantis in front of the ground level of your base if you have the right version.

I will be in Discord and can send invites through there. You can add my username Hungry Hungry Hobo on Steam for an invite too.
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Im down, but keep in mind thats the same day as the midwest secret santa gift exchange
Im down, but keep in mind thats the same day as the midwest secret santa gift exchange
Oh ummm.... I guess this can be a test for it then! People during the Secret Santa can be target practice while afk if they like.

Doing a small costum game of Hugegrass could be ideal because its December and all. A big Hugegrass custom game can be done again in January.
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