community pool builds...


large scale builds where the entire community can donate funds or material to the cause...
examples :regimental scene props like tanks, drop pods, turrets, armor/weapon displays

i am horrible at foam but have a supply close at hand and would like to be able to put it towards something awesome.
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I like this idea, but logistically, I think this would be impossible. For one thing, our members are far to spread out to come together and work on a build. Also there is the question of where do we store the thing and who pays for transporting it (if we take it to a con for example), etc... I like where your head is at just not sure how the details would work out.
In my head the builder of the project would retain ownership or guardianship of the item while transporting it would only be done for nearby cons and would be organized by group effort. Example I live near ft worth and if I had the skills would build a pvc and foam drop pod. I do not have a truck to transport said project yet if there was enough interest to take the theoretical drop pod to a con nearby we could member fund a uhaul or something to transport it

Edit: should there be enough nearby members to prop party for the build that would be cool the organizer in that aspect who would provide build and storage location and the others at the party would put forth materials and skills. While non attending willing members offer materials or funds for the build...
This is totally a thing! Usually regimental based though. Typically one or more members will get together to make a backdrop or things for a booth like armour stands and will transport them to local cons. I mean, I would totally love to be a part owner of a warthog or something like that, but something THAT big probably wouldn't work.

Here's a really cursed picture of the midwest setting up at Galaxy Con in Columcus Ohio.

Some members make larger items like that backdrop and gun rack for us all to use at a con
Con booths are a great example of this! We've seen a few through HOD, WaBat, Nouveau Montreal, Midwest, Delta and Snowburner booth builds. As for costume type community swarm builds we've done the Young Jorge build, some Make a Wish builds and various Armory scrambles for MkVII.
Con booths are a great example of this! We've seen a few through HOD, WaBat, Nouveau Montreal, Midwest, Delta and Snowburner booth builds. As for costume type community swarm builds we've done the Young Jorge build, some Make a Wish builds and various Armory scrambles for MkVII.
How this sounded to me:
Had to read it a few times to make sense of it lol. May or may not have had to look up half the things you were talking about
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