Me sculpting it has nothing to do with it. Even looking at all (well, the more humanoid ones) the Chimera, I still fail to see any sort of facial resemblance. Aside from the obvious Chimera having multiple eyes, and the Elites have mandibles, they ONLY similarity they have is that they have a boney face - and that could only be said with relation to only a couple of Chimera. But even still, they're not even boney in the right places.
Sure both types have their front upper teeth exposed, I guess that's similar... But all the Chimera have two distinct and very large fangs, then usually 4-6 smaller (but long) ones in between the two fangs, then many a couple besides those as it's trails into the mouth. But the lower teeth, but the Chimera, is the same as the upper, and still exposed. Where as the Elites have mandibles in which their teeth (all smaller and uniform for the most part in size) are technically at a 90 degree (well, depending on which way they have their mandibles pointed when talking).
Maybe the lack of nose looks similar? But most of the Chimera usually have many wrinkle folds where the nose area should be (then two small nostrils).
Other than that, the Elites have similar skin types to the Ravager and Titan, but ONLY to the ones in R2.
Have a collage - and this isn't even all of the Chimera either!
Don't get me wrong, we're all entitled to our opinions and I'm not saying "NO YOU'RE 110% WRONG SHUT UP I UBER NERD FOR CHIMERAS" (well... I am an uber nerd for Chimera...), but it seriously baffles me a bit when someone like yourself who has sculpted an amazing Elite head, could say that it even slightly resembles a Chimera.... I would assume you have one heck of an artistic eye, so it just doesn't make sense to me at all when you even make that kind of comparison.