Custom ODST armor Build (AguilarWorkshop Files)

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Just seeing this thread now, and wow ! Amazing work ! Awesome to see a fellow ODST ! For the thighs, in my experience, they are really constricting, but I think its just a thing with armors in general, that's probably going to be the most constricting place for most. Looks great with or without though, but I do agree with falseshepherd with them being a bit too tall. Something I have seen done-especially if you're not going for deployment- is using the rashaka (or however you spell it :p) thighs, they seem to be a ton less constricting than the regular odsts and they match pretty well !
Thank you so much for the compliments! And thanks for the tip on the thighs.

Honestly, with everyone bringing up the deployment, I may just go for the deployment much later down the line, even if it's just tier 1 (the only type I think I'd be able to get as of right now lol). So I think I'll still try something out with the ODST thighs and if those don't work I'll just go for the Raksasha thighs because those do seem like a great substitute.

I've been seeing a lot of pictures on insta and twitter of peoples WIP for their armors and it's been giving me ideas on how to improve mine already to make it more reflective of the game models. So it's looking like this will be a continuous work in progress for the foreseeable future lol. But for now I think it's Con ready for December :)
Hello! Long time no post. After GalaxyCon I decided to take a break from costuming since I felt a little burnt out with everything that I was doing, but now I'm back.

GalaxyCon was a blast, got to meet so many cool cosplayers and even got to meet Steve Downes and Jen Taylor! I got them both to sign my PC copy of Halo Combat Evolved which was the first Halo I ever played. Overall had an absolute blast.

But now I think it's time to make some improvements to my Cosplay to make it better for the next con I go to.

Some things on my list to do are;
- re-make/alter the thighs to be more wearable
- Change the knees from 3D printed plastic to foam (since I can't kneel with them being plastic)
- Change the padding within the Helmet and also add some electronics into the helmet as well (Fans, lights, and maybe a voice changer)
- Change the plate carrier
- Change shoulder armor mounting
- Add some extra Decals and details to give the costume more life and story

Right now I'm working on the plate carrier. I'm using the Pepakura files found here on the forums to make it out of foam. I did not like the plate carrier that I used very much as it wasn't very comfortable and was hard to get to stay in a place where I wanted it.


I did some resizing (Which now that I have the pieces all printed out and stuff may have been a little too much but nothing I can't fix after it's all put together.) and print + cut out the pieces.


As of right now, I have some of the pieces put together. I didn't cut out all the shoulder strap pieces just yet to try and save on as much material as possible in case the sizing was so far off it wasn't repairable without re-starting. I am using contact cement to glue the pieces together. I used to use hot glue for all my foam projects but I decided that I would finally be more "professional" and just start using contact cement.


So far this is all I have done. I'm trying not to go too quickly with this so that I don't burn myself out too fast, but I also have a long list of other projects I want to do and I don't like leaving projects half finished before starting new ones LOL. This year is gonna be a busy one LOL, I thankfully am getting a new 3D printer with my tax returns though.
Small update, Added some white markings onto the Chest Piece of my ODST.

Added the classic UNSC on the bottom, and then the last name of the character (not my last name) at the top, plus a staff sergeant rank on the right side of the plate.

It's not much, but I feel it gives the piece some life and makes it feel more "real" in a sense.


as you can see, the staff sergeant rank was more of an afterthought, and Briggs was originally intended to be a sergeant. This is mostly just cause me and my friends want to make our own fireteam and they wanted me to be lead because of how much more into Halo I am compared to them lol

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