New Member
Thank you so much for the compliments! And thanks for the tip on the thighs.Just seeing this thread now, and wow ! Amazing work ! Awesome to see a fellow ODST ! For the thighs, in my experience, they are really constricting, but I think its just a thing with armors in general, that's probably going to be the most constricting place for most. Looks great with or without though, but I do agree with falseshepherd with them being a bit too tall. Something I have seen done-especially if you're not going for deployment- is using the rashaka (or however you spell it) thighs, they seem to be a ton less constricting than the regular odsts and they match pretty well !
Honestly, with everyone bringing up the deployment, I may just go for the deployment much later down the line, even if it's just tier 1 (the only type I think I'd be able to get as of right now lol). So I think I'll still try something out with the ODST thighs and if those don't work I'll just go for the Raksasha thighs because those do seem like a great substitute.
I've been seeing a lot of pictures on insta and twitter of peoples WIP for their armors and it's been giving me ideas on how to improve mine already to make it more reflective of the game models. So it's looking like this will be a continuous work in progress for the foreseeable future lol. But for now I think it's Con ready for December