Custom Rakshasa Spartan Build


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
The fist post in this thread will just be a start to it sadly, as I have the time I'll be updating this thread with the build process of the suit. Kind of backwards starting with the finished project, I know, but I'd like to share the suit with y'all and go over what it took to make it later! That being said, I present to all you fine folks, my rakshasa build!

Alright to keep this thread going and not burn myself out, I'm gonna break down the build through a few more posts!

This post is gonna be on the planning phase!

So to start I went into Blender and whipped up a pretty basic design and then messed around with the various attachments till I found something I liked! Originally I decided on a recon helmet, but I changed my mind later on and went with the Mark VII.


From there I went over to my files and found what I had and didn't have to start scaling, but lucky me, I had already bought the majority of the files I needed! The last few I had to buy, but our friend j0sephaguilar had everything I needed. And so scaling started, rather easily I might add thanks to the scaling done on my prior Rakshasa suit that I wasn't very proud of. Ultimately it came out nice, so I went ahead and started slicing and printing!

One of these days I'll get the build process up for ya'll, but till then, I have some wonderful news! The Rakshasa build has been deployed Tier 1, and my DIN assigned! Just one more accomplishment in this wonderful community, thank you all so much for being so amazing and continuing to inspire me each and every day!

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