custom sticker maker

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Well-Known Member
does anyone know a program that makes custom stickers? I was just thinking about making a run of UNSC post office stickers (not stamps but shipping labels). for people who buy stuff from me, they get a semi-cannon label marked "UNSC property" or something similar to that phrase.

Happy hunting!

PR0J3CT 003
not a good idea to "sell" trademarked products for it is not your design... but you can use photoshop to create your graphics and scale them to size
not a good idea to "sell" trademarked products for it is not your design... but you can use photoshop to create your graphics and scale them to size

never said I was gonna sell anything...



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What John was saying is that if he sells an item when he ships it he will put a nice looking sticker on the package so you can have a nice package arrive from U.N.S.C. I think there is free software for label makers you can use or (as suggested) photoshop a logo and print it on sticker paper then cut the sticker out.

Yeah, pretty much what Ithica (I really wanted to say Dave just then 0_0) said. Make your graphics, scale them, set them up for print, and print on sticker paper, then X-acto the flash away.

If you don't have Photoshop, GIMP is free, and I love it.
I can do you up a few freebie graphics for your boxe's if you want...just pm me with a rough sketch and ill take care of the rest
Avery makes adhesive shipping label paper for your printer. It comes with a link to the Microsoft Word template where you can edit it, add a logo, etc. You can get them at Wal-Mart as well.
Yeah, pretty much what Ithica (I really wanted to say Dave just then 0_0) said. Make your graphics, scale them, set them up for print, and print on sticker paper, then X-acto the flash away.

If you don't have Photoshop, GIMP is free, and I love it.

thanks, downloading it now, and thanks Ithica for clearing that up, and glad to hear from you! is also very free, I think it best resembles photoshop, i personally don't like GIMP, just a little too easy to use, but they both accomplish the same task. So it's up to you :)
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