1st Build cyne's Halo Infinite Chief - EVA Foam

Didn't get a chance for assembly last night; still dealing with some personal problems. Work is also picking up.

I have made the tough decision to put this project on hold until I have more time / a clearer mind. Hopefully in the Christmas period I'll have some spare time to continue, good news is I'll be working on doing the whole suit since I don't have a deadline.

My mate who is coming to the con with me this weekend is dressing as L from Death Note, so I'm going as my backup, Light Yagami. A simple but fun couple costume (WE'RE NOT DATING that's just the only way I can think of to describe it right now)

I'll post updates when I'm back on the project, but fret not; I'll still be interacting with new posts and people, learning more techniques and skills, and generally lurking around these forums.
Hopefully you'll be able to pick it back up in a few months :)
I think this will inevitably be the case, I've always wanted to make Halo armour and I doubt when I have all the pieces ready and waiting, I'll be able to hold back.


Every time I walk past the helmet in my room now, it calls out to me like the Green Goblin mask.


"Your greatest creation. Bringing you what you've always wanted: power beyond your wildest dreams, and it's only the beginning..."
Don't really have another place to put this, but it's related enough.

Had a blast both days of Supanova Adelaide, first day just as a photographer and second day with friends.

Met and took a photo with the only Halo cosplay on the floor, asked if he was on the forums but unfortunately not :( too busy running custom Halo Arma 3 servers apparently! Sick cosplay regardless of whether he was on here or not, always love an ODST.


The only other Halo cosplay was this full pink suit, "Halo Kitty" who went up on stage. (ignore the awful old-phone photo) Tried looking for who this lovely lad was on here, but couldn't find anything.


Seeing and meeting all the armoured cosplayers this weekend has really put my brain in high-gear to make something. In my other post, I asked for feedback in which direction to take my first cosplay, the outcome being my dream of a Halo 2A ODST.

Super stoked to start that project over the Christmas holidays, and who knows? Maybe I'll come back to this thread once I'm satisfied with my first project, and really become that towering Chief that my height allows.
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