1st Build cyne's Halo Infinite Chief - EVA Foam

Didn't get a chance for assembly last night; still dealing with some personal problems. Work is also picking up.

I have made the tough decision to put this project on hold until I have more time / a clearer mind. Hopefully in the Christmas period I'll have some spare time to continue, good news is I'll be working on doing the whole suit since I don't have a deadline.

My mate who is coming to the con with me this weekend is dressing as L from Death Note, so I'm going as my backup, Light Yagami. A simple but fun couple costume (WE'RE NOT DATING that's just the only way I can think of to describe it right now)

I'll post updates when I'm back on the project, but fret not; I'll still be interacting with new posts and people, learning more techniques and skills, and generally lurking around these forums.
Hopefully you'll be able to pick it back up in a few months :)
I think this will inevitably be the case, I've always wanted to make Halo armour and I doubt when I have all the pieces ready and waiting, I'll be able to hold back.


Every time I walk past the helmet in my room now, it calls out to me like the Green Goblin mask.


"Your greatest creation. Bringing you what you've always wanted: power beyond your wildest dreams, and it's only the beginning..."

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