Das Brutus Presents Das Wip

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Alright, as with all WIPS things change. Until this past weekend at Ithica's, there were only 2 helms that fit my head: CQB and Recon.... so I was a'going Recon... That has been altered since the fitting of Savvy Tank's ODST helm. If any of you remember my topic concerning the ODST Spartan and real ODST you'll understand...



DAMN!! That looks saawweeettt! Flex foam is the new way to go. It fits alot better than plastic and actually looks better to me.
DAMN!! That looks saawweeettt! Flex foam is the new way to go. It fits alot better than plastic and actually looks better to me.

My only issue thus far is the inability to battle damage the way Adam and Ithica do... spray paint doesn't work well... thus the solid, nonblended paint scheme...
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Very nice, it seems like a lot of people have shifted from plastic to flex foam.


What if you find a latex based silver and spray paint?

Sweet collection! Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see your Chief in full loadout!

Stay safe,

Das Brutus said:
My only issue thus far is the inability to battle damage the way Adam and Ithica do... spray paint doesn't work well... thus the solid, nonblended paint scheme...

Use a drybrush technique. You could get amazing results with it.
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Macattack64 said:
Very nice, it seems like a lot of people have shifted from plastic to flex foam.


What if you find a latex based silver and spray paint?

Would probably work... the "outdoor" latex paint takes very few coats... and I'm a very few coats kinda guy... but the weathering, battle damage, vasaline type approach doesn't work for me. I either can't figure it out, or I don't have the skills to pull it off... but that's why God made this forum (through his vessel Adam), I'm sure a member will knock it out of the park!
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Das Brutus said:
Would probably work... the "outdoor" latex paint takes very few coats... and I'm a very few coats kinda guy... but the weathering, battle damage, vasaline type approach doesn't work for me. I either can't figure it out, or I don't have the skills to pull it off... but that's why God made this forum (through his vessel Adam), I'm sure a member will knock it out of the park!

You are right.. Maybe I'll have to try it and give you a tip or something idk :p
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Aw, no dancing.

Love the custom paint job. The "Brutus001" was an especially nice touch.

The tac vest seems like a great little mounting solution, and the stomach plate was also a great idea. The end product fits your body size perfectly. Looks like one of the COGs from Gears of War tossed in a MJOLNIR suit. Big and beefy, no fat stormtrooper syndrome here.

Still say you need to make a Dutch though. =P Seeing Saavy's helmet on you just makes me think of the way Dutch looks like in the Marvel comics.

Again, awesome work.
Glad you like the helm. i think your armor looks great, love the colors. if my hole suit turns out that good ill be a happy camper.

you dont have a "fat head", God just blessed you with more thinking power.

Brutus you look like a beast in that thing... i would not want to see you running at me in battle. i would drop my guns and run at the very sight of you.

cant wait to see this painted, its going to look sick.
Every now and then, I do forget how big I am... when I was power lifting, I got up to 285 with the same gut I have now... large but not "fat". Now it's been about 5 years since I lifted, and a few months after my gall bladder... I only weigh 250... but @ 5' 10" I guess that is still big... and since the armor really only fits me as I get smaller, the idea of hitting the gym to bulk back up is dwindling... Armor that fits my larger days would be scaled for someone about 8 feet tall, unless I were to make a mold of myself and sculpt... which really isn't gonna happen! HA!:p

Edit: Now when I finish the long ago started GoW armor... that will make me monsterous!
Looking very nice Brutus. As to the weathering, just remember toothbrush and drybrushing silver with some diluted acrylic black wash thrown in for good measure.

Either way, awesome suit man!
BenStreeper said:
dude snap, cant wait to see you boogie on down sir.

Oh, there will be boogie! If only I can find the crazy frog music...
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