Destiny 2 exo hunter cosplay


Active Member
Hey 405th! I started playing destiny 2 recently and loved it. So now I'm making my player character as a cosplay :D
Pardon the low quality screenshot but here is my exo

I started making the head out of eva foam and I used elastic bands to attach the jaw so it moves :D

Next I need to make the forehead attachment. I also ordered some smaller green LEDs for the eyes. But I have a problem that I need help with. The mouth LEDs... on game they only light up while the player character is talking... idk how to do that so if anybody has and recommendations on how to make the mouth LEDs react to my voice It would be greatly appreciated :D
For the lights, I know some people use an arduino and leds and stuff, but sometimes that can be a real hassle. If you're lucky, you might be able to find a child's toy microphone with build in leds that will lights up when you speak. They usually have a smaller battery and a smaller cicuit which saves having space taken up by an arduino. just thninkin out loud...
I added the forhead piece and painted it! Plus the eye LEDs arrived and I put em in! I still have to weather it with black wash and silver scratches and what not but here he is!!!
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The template didn't include the forehead attachment so I had to freehand it and honestly.... I think I did a pretty good job :D
Here are the chestplate and boots I'm going to make


My bad for not posting much progress but I have made the boots, chestplate, and I've weathered the head a bit

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I also may have figured out a way to make the mouth LEDs light up only when I talk, but I haven't ordered the necessary parts to test that yet so I'll show yall that later. The only thing left to do is sew! I just need the pants, undershirt, and cloak now :)
I know the chestplate isn't perfect but I'm really proud of myself for my progress because I didn't use a template at all! It's completely just me looking at the in game model and eyeballing it! I've never been able to do that before
Hey 405th! I started playing destiny 2 recently and loved it. So now I'm making my player character as a cosplay :D
Pardon the low quality screenshot but here is my exo View attachment 327600
I started making the head out of eva foam and I used elastic bands to attach the jaw so it moves :D
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Next I need to make the forehead attachment. I also ordered some smaller green LEDs for the eyes. But I have a problem that I need help with. The mouth LEDs... on game they only light up while the player character is talking... idk how to do that so if anybody has and recommendations on how to make the mouth LEDs react to my voice It would be greatly appreciated :D
That's super cool! I need to start playing destiny
Alright here's a test fit with the weathered head since I added some stuff. Someone told me that the eyes looked creepy and that made me realize I needed lenses to shape the eyes properly. Seeing as a person's pupils get bigger when they look at something they like and shrink for the opposite... my dude was lookin agressive lol. He needed bigger eyes. The in game model also has larger... pupils? I guess that's what they are.. idk... the glowy bit. Anyways... I bought black mesh and filled the eye holes with it and made a big round lens to go in front of the eyes to make him look less scary/more accurate. I also adjusted the way it fits on my face a bit so that the mouth actually closes all the way
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What exotic you running? Bones of Ahamkhara would look crazy or even Bones of Eao.
Do you go to Dragon Con in Atlanta? There's always a pretty large sized group that has day time and night time photoshoots for Destiny cosplays. I did an Eris Morn a few years ago :) Excited to watch yours come together!
Do you go to Dragon Con in Atlanta? There's always a pretty large sized group that has day time and night time photoshoots for Destiny cosplays. I did an Eris Morn a few years ago :) Excited to watch yours come together!
I want to, but I have yet to actually go to any con yet due to not getting time off work, and other stuff happening. Like that time I got covid right before I was suposed to go lol. But some day I'd like to
Hey 405th! I started playing destiny 2 recently and loved it. So now I'm making my player character as a cosplay :D
Pardon the low quality screenshot but here is my exo View attachment 327600
I started making the head out of eva foam and I used elastic bands to attach the jaw so it moves :D
View attachment 327601View attachment 327602View attachment 327603View attachment 327604

Next I need to make the forehead attachment. I also ordered some smaller green LEDs for the eyes. But I have a problem that I need help with. The mouth LEDs... on game they only light up while the player character is talking... idk how to do that so if anybody has and recommendations on how to make the mouth LEDs react to my voice It would be greatly appreciated :D
That's awesome! I tried to make my own in eighth grade out of an old iron man mask. Good luck!
So awesome to see Destiny cosplays happening. Looking great so far!
I've just started building Cayde 6 for VonSnake and I'm debating on building The Stranger for myself.

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