Discussion: California Battalion and BCO vote

What about something like Forerunner Battalion, Vanguard Battalion, Bellwether Battalion, Groundbreaker Battalion, Pathfinder Battalion... I'm sure there are others.

Hilariously, Scoutmaster Battalion might also be appropriate PapaBear271... Haha. Ranger Battalion maybe?

Something that references both the vast Hiking trails in California as well as a reference to people who travel to California for Hollywood fame and fortune (Celebrities, Entrepreneurs and Trend-setters)
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Thank you Lukavago I have had that wrong for a long time then. Lol. My bad! I was right about the toast though yes? Heh.

ArcSol is really good at this. Maybe we should make a poll. Any other suggestions from Californian residents?
I just figured I could set the tone for the kind of thing you'd be looking for in a name to stay within the established naming conventions that the other Battalions use.

I think trying COMBAT is still on the table, but it would be wise to have a backup plan if Division says no.

Hopefully some of my examples may help ya'll come up with some! But absolutely feel free to use any of mine if you like them! Or I would be happy to try and think of some more if you guys want.
So, while I suggested COMBAT, it was truly in jest. As halo is a militaristic combat game, having a battalion named COMBAT could get quite confusing real fast. While it may be funny, it would also become a problematic with new people, potential recruits, or people unfamiliar to the 405th and our structure. So someone mentioned CALBAT. As I was reading through the posts, I was thinking along the same lines with Luka with a play on the Golden state. Gold Battalion, Golden State Battalion? I'm open to serious suggestions.
Especially since the Sierras are entirely within Cali and run pretty much the length of the state. It's a good name.
I would like to call for a vote for:
  1. Do we officially want to form a Battalion (Y/N)
  2. Who will be the BCO?
    1. PapaBear271
    2. (Anyone else)
  3. What name will we call the Battalion
    1. Sierra Battalion
    2. CALBAT
    3. (Any other suggestion)
  4. Proposed Logo design preliminary approval (Y/N). [The final design is created and approved by the Division Identity Officer - AsguardianHammer]
I think the voting is done.

1. 5 or more deployed members have voiced their approval of starting a California Battalion. So Yes!

2. PapaBear271 was nominated and seconded as BCO with no opposition. No surprise as he would have been my choice to lead you all! :)

3. I don't think you're gonna do any better than Sierra Battalion. That is bad ass ngl.

4. I do think the members should get to vote on your battalion logo so you should make a new thread once the battalion has formed.

It has been one week and the voting for BCO is closed. PapaBear271 and I will submit the application to start the battalion!
Hello All,

Thank you Zenghilios for the BCO nomination. I accept your nomination. For those who don't know me, let me tell you about who I am. First, I have been a fan of Halo since CE came out in 2001. I was on the USS Peleliu and after shift, we all ran to the original Xbox grabbed a controller and slugged it out for hours. I actually bought the game before I owned an Xbox. I can't say I am a super fan and know every little detail and trivia about the Halo universe, but I know enough. I've played all the games, but I haven't finished Infinite just yet. It just hasn't been a priority for me (Jorge took precedence) .

I have been doing costuming stuff since 1997 when I got into a renaissance group that did sword fighting. I've done Civil War reenactments as the First Sargent with artillery (Love the big booms!). I also am a part of a Rev War reenactment group. My Cosplay life started in 2002 with the 501st as a Biker Scout before they were anal retentive butt monkeys. I still have the outfit, but it no longer qualifies for membership and I'm too fluffy to fit into it anymore.

I am new to the 405th officially. I went to the Halo Outpost Discovery way back in 2019 dressed as a Marine with my two sons NobleAcutal and Pipninja. In 2022 I went to Emerald City Comic Con with Pipninja as his handler. I had a great time and decided to make my own Spartan outfit. Since I'm a big man and a little fluffy (6'4" 260 lbs) I decided to make a Jorge outfit. I decided to make it out of foam for the light weight and flexibility foam offers. I made a duct tape mannequin of myself and used that to pretty much pattern my whole outfit from scratch. My helmet was 3d printed using PETG so I know how to use that medium as well. 14 months later Jorge was reborn just in time for the HCS world championship last October (2023). I won the Cosplay contest at that event and have since deployed as a Tier 3 Spartan.

I am a 20 year Navy veteran and a former Scout Master. I have held multiple leadership positions both professionally and in social organizations similar to the 405th. To be honest, I don't want the title. I want to see the job done. I want to mentor the next leader and pass it down when whoever come next is ready (their decision, not mine). I've know too many bad leaders that just want the title and the "respect" and not the responsibility. I want to facilitate all of us having fun, improving our cosplay, and share in the comradery that is Halo!
Well said PapaBear271 . I had no idea you were a biker scout! (#TKlife) you and I will have to talk swords offline at some point.
Sorry, joining discussions kinda late. I'm currently making my suit hopefully in time for SDCC24. I was hoping if it wasn't too late to join the Sierra Battalion. I'm from San Diego and want to rep the 405th this year
Sorry, joining discussions kinda late. I'm currently making my suit hopefully in time for SDCC24. I was hoping if it wasn't too late to join the Sierra Battalion. I'm from San Diego and want to rep the 405th this year
The Battalion has not officially formed yet, so let's put a pin in joining it.

That said, once it's formed there's no time limit or member cap - the more the merrier!

Just like with Regiments, you have to be a full member (90 days, 50 posts) before you can request to join that Regiment's Battalion.
The Battalion has not officially formed yet, so let's put a pin in joining it.

That said, once it's formed there's no time limit or member cap - the more the merrier!

Just like with Regiments, you have to be a full member (90 days, 50 posts) before you can request to join that Regiment's Battalion.
Understood, I should be able to hit 50 posts by June 30th
The Battalion has not officially formed yet, so let's put a pin in joining it.

That said, once it's formed there's no time limit or member cap - the more the merrier!

Just like with Regiments, you have to be a full member (90 days, 50 posts) before you can request to join that Regiment's Battalion.
Awesome, I’m excited to join up.
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