Dmr- Wip

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So I finished my DMR and I'm taking it to Gamestop with me as soon as I'm done posting this. Here she is:





See you guys on the battlefield =D
Nice!!!! probably drew a lot of attention. Smart move with the barrel tip with these a-hole cops

I had to cut heavy corners to have mine presentable in time
Beastly! Hope you get rid of the orange tip after launch. This is no toy, This is Art!
Did you use any type of schematic or template for this? Or was just off the top of your head? I'd interested in testing my own skill at building one....but having a schem or buleprint would be a huge help.
absolutely incredible! What size rounds in the mag? I've always guessed it was shooting a .308 in the game.

Makes me want to build my own, too bad I don't have access to a shop anymore.
Tried to edit my post, but it wouldn't save for whatever reason. Did some more reading and I'm glad to see that it's .308, that's what my gun-nut mind had decided that it was.
Hey guys, I know I haven't posted an update in a really long time, so to make it up to you here's a whole slew of new pics of the finally 100% complete product. Hope you like it!








The keen observer may also notice I made an entirely new barrel/gas tube system with a built in flashlight mount.This one's completely wood and much stronger and lighter than the original. (Admittedly the last one was mostly held together with tape an JB Weld =P)

Thanks again for all the encouraging words :)
You effing win, bro. I almost pissed my pants drooling at those pics.

By the way, what did the people at GameStop say about your awesome rifle?
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