Double ODST build, codename: Practice Round

Been a little bit since the last update.. RunsOnStories has been a little tired with work, marathon training, and family visiting so her build has slowed. Me, I'm energized by crafting, so while tired I build.

Made it through the chest and chest plate. Thinking about traveling with this pile of foam, and painting it all (wanting to do it separately- plate & "bodice") I made the plate detachable with magnets. I also realized this might make it modular.. so I'm getting visions of 90s toy "battle damage" replaceable chest plate all ripped up or cracked in half.


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Whew it has been a while since the last update, but I’ve been hard at work. Difficult to remember to take progress photos though. I’m starting to see that without something to give me significant time off to just work on the suit, a Dragon Con deadline is more ambitious than I thought! But still do-able!

I hadn’t expected the “gauntlets” to be as difficult to size properly as they were (despite Andrew DFT saying exactly that in the video ). Went through at least four iterations before I got to something I’m satisfied with. Learned a bunch though as I changed the shapes and saw how it affected everything. Hope I remember any of it…

Either way…the first pass at foam construction is complete! I’ve made my way through all the DFT tutorial videos and I have technically a full set of un-painted ODST armor. I’ve known from the start that I was going to re-do the helmet (our printer re-sized the templates before we noticed) so that will have to be done yet.

And I’m not super happy with the knee/shin design of the DFT ODST, it’s more simplified than the rest of the build it seems, so I might redo them and try my own design, see how much I’ve actually learned about how foam goes together. But I’m going to finish the set I have currently, to make sure I have everything to bring to Atlanta.

Like I said, not great at progress photos, but here are a few! Oh yeah, and somewhere in there I made a pistachio cream pie, too.


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Last years got posted under the conventions and prop parties, so I'm sure 2024 will end up posted there

Conventions and Prop parties

It's typically parade Saturday morning (we get a meetup spot and then ride together in a bus to the parade starting line), a break to cool off/eat/repair, then a photoshoot around 1ish, and then later we meet at mellow mushroom. Asgardianhammer , Robert Letts, arranges it. It's a blast! They even raffle off items.
We will have all details on what we know posted in three separate threads and stickied to the top of the page by the end of the week.
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