RCO and Forum Support
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Southern Regiment
405th Regiment Officer
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Please signup for any of the events you are planning on attending using the proper thread.If you are planning on attending all three, you MUST signup for each of them individually.
If you have any questions, please read the proper thread or contact Asgardianhammer
Parade Signup

DragonCon 2024 Parade SIGN UP
Parade Sign up Is Officially Open. We are taking the time to post this information so take the time to read it! A few quick notes: YOU MUST HAVE A 405th COSTUME. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE DEPLOYED. YOU CANNOT SIGN UP HANDLERS/NON- COSTUMED/NON-405th MEMBERS. INCLUDE YOUR FULL REAL NAME. IF...

Dinner Signup

DragonCon 2024 13th Annual Mellow Mushroom Dinner 5PM EST to 7:30PM SATURDAY August 31st
Woohoo!!!! After the Photoshoot go get out of gear and come relax with a few drinks, friends and good times for our annual Dinner. We will work to do our annual raffle again and I know that me personally will be thrilled to see as many as we possibly can! In an effort to make service go as...

Photo shoot Signup

DragonCon 2024 Photoshoot @1:00PM EST SATURDAY AUGUST 31ST
Asgardianhammer AKA Robert Letts will be your POC for this event. After the parade head to the Peachtree Center food court and have some lunch and cool off. Afterwards head upstairs for the 405th Photoshoot which will begin at 1:00pm outside on the plaza courtyard. Zero Serenity will be the...