Drgnfyre4 Mk Vi Progress Thread

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Why is it that people who joined WAAAAYYYYYY after me is doing WAAAAYYYYYY better then me, and way faster then me. lol. Keep up the Amazing work. And why are you not in the Eliet section?
Wow! This is amazing work! I absolutely love the paintjob! The spartan number on there looks cool too. I wasnt sure if I wanted to add a spartan number on the chest to my armor but since yours looks so cool with it I may end up slapping a 249 on my chest and putting my nickname on the armor somewhere. :lol Cant wait to see this set finished.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone As for the project being Elite worthy...well lets just hope when its all done it will be at least noteworthy.

Between other projects I managed to start adding some styrene detail to the back section...

Progress is going slow as customer orders are taking priority over my own pet projects, but heres what I have been able to squeeze in so far this week...


Working on sanding smooth and then reinforcing the area that will get the attachment hardware to clamshell the front and back together.Planning on cutting out the top rear recessed areas on the shoulder boxes and covering them with black wire mesh to hide cooling fans to suck air into the chest and back cavity to reduce heat when being worn.


Lots of sanding and putty work to get a nice seamless look. Still adding in styrene bits here and there to make it more detailed and onoxious.


Another shot showing the clean up process as it goes along.
Brandon McClain said:
Its coming along great! As far as speed of build, well, life happens right! We love seeing your updates!!

Thank you sir! I just always feel guilty doing things on my stuff when I have things outstanding to others. I hope I can clear my plate soon and be able to get this beast done before San Diego Comicon. If not that then Dragoncon.
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This is so clean it hurts my eyes

keep it up man. I hope my Mark VI can look half as good as this.

Stealth, Ive seen what you can do...you can do this or better!
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Wow, where was I while this was going on? It's turning out to be a great suit! If I may ask a question, what thickness of styrene are you using?
@Shaymin- I use a combination of 3/32" styrene on down to fairly thin for sale sign plastic from the 99cent store.I like to mix up my styrene depth depending on the level of raised detail needed.

@Liq- Thanks, the painting and weathering is the most fun part...I hope I am not going too overboard on the battle damage effects.

@Finhead- hells yeah I would love to trade stuff with you!lol
I held out as long as I could, but needed to have a little fun...


I am eager to see how the chest sits once the backplate is ready to attach. I think I am holding it a little high in this pic. This is the first time I have tried it on with the arms. I like it!
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