Pardon my ignorance but what the hell ????? That looks awesome. Add that to the Hanukkah list also.
It's an armor ability module, specific to Reach. They are what allow you to sprint, drop shield, hologram, etc.
I decided yellow for Hologram, though the lights ended up looking orange which I think is bubble sheild.
First I acquired this 3d print. Many thanks to those parties involved.
With my suit, securing pieces can be a challenge. This print is two pieces. First I had to secure the backplate. I chose acorn nuts. The LEDs will shine on them and the round nut will help with the light.
To put the front on I didn't want to chance it with magnets. The only spot for a bolt that worked for me was the center. I drilled all the way through and put a nut on the other side.
Smoothing was in order. I applied one layer of spot putty using my fingers. I then used knives and tooth picks to immediately pick out the putty from the narrow grooves.
Next up, one coat of primer. Followed by bright silver on the inside to help illuminate the lights.
Here is my reference screen grab for painting. I found dull silver, dark grey, black and yellowish orange. There are also many decals and it is heavily weathered.
I was able to get the brand new colors done. One coat of base color and 3-4 coats of the secondary colors. I won't be able to weather until I put the decals on.
The lights are just a simple circuit. Four 5mm LEDs each with 100 ohm resistor, a switch and a 9volt battery connector.