Duke's Custom Reach Suit Pep +photos!! *COMPLETE*

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Congrats on the easy move.......you"ll have to report to your CO and change your Regiment. Do you think there is a market for more "Kura" art? You could start a whole new art form........may not ship well but it looks cool.
Sad update:

I won't be making any serious progress on this suit any time soon... I had my car stolen this last weekend. It was a beater car, but I had about $400 worth of pepping tools and supplies in it. I didn't lose everything, but it was quite a hit. Full gallon of bondo, and resin, all my fiberglass, my osculating sander, tons of little things like safety glass, cups, putty knives, the works. I'm trying to not let it get to me, but it is hard. The things I am trying to focus on is what CAN I do in regards to costuming... I still have all my paper supplies and it is winter, so I think I will focus on assembling all of the paper models and just hope they don't get damaged while storing them. I should also be able to continue working on my shotgun as well. Luckily none of my completed or in-progress pieces were in the car, just the supplies. So I'll focus on assembling and hope that the money for the rest of the supplies will come in due course. And the rest will be up to distraction! Like these memes I saw yesterday...

There were a bunch more from other games here posted on June 13, 2015
Damn man, I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope they catch the guy that stole your car and bring all your stuff back. I mean, the beater car can be at the bottom of a lake but PLEASE, SAVE THE PEPPING TOOLS, THEY DESERVE OT LIVE! Nice to see you're still keeping your spirits up with constructing and dank memes. :D
Yo Dude!, thats an awesome project, now my question is... how are you going to reforce that?
PD: I'll like to make my own suit too, but I don't have all the materials... :c
ZeroDarkness - Thanks, it will all work out. It's just money and I'll make more of it. Quick note, please try not to double post. If no one has responded to your last post and it has been less than a day or so, just click "Edit" at the bottom of your post. As for your question, you will have to clarify, reinforce what? I already showed how I reinforced the bruteshot using rondo. I'm pretty sure I showed how to reinforce the armor with fiberglass as well. I'll be happy to help you if you need more pointers.
The war wages on:


I'm happy to report I am back at it. Starting next with the forearms.

I'm also really excited because I just purchased ArmorSmith. Not only does it give me pretty much everything Pepakura does, but it also helps in scaling multiple pieces to fit with each other. Something I've always worried about: even though I've scaled my pieces to fit the body part they are going on, are they going to look good together? Fear no more. With this program you can put all of your files onto a 3d mannequin that shares similar measurements as you and you can see how they look. I already had the forearms printed, but I will be sure and update once I have finished pepping a piece that has been scaled with only the armorsmith program.

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Hey Duke, sorry about the car situation.....I've been busy involved w/ my own little world and recouping to be on the forum lately. Glad to see that despite the set back, you're still full tilt on the build.
Hey Duke, sorry about the car situation.....I've been busy involved w/ my own little world and recouping to be on the forum lately. Glad to see that despite the set back, you're still full tilt on the build.

Thanks for the encouragement DD! I have been following your build and am so sorry to hear about your injuries. I really have been missing your jovial humor, quirks and all. I hope to see you well again soon. I also really love the work you did on your chest piece and have been sending positive thoughts on your helmet rebuilds. Best wishes, my friend. I believe we will finish this. ;)
nice enthusiasm!
and you have a PlayStation?!?!?!

traitorous fool.jpg

Oops, Too big, too big!
all in the name of playstation.
well, I guess you have an Aperture Science wallet...
but it's not justified.;)

hehe, good luck on your build. traitor.:p
nice enthusiasm!
and you have a PlayStation?!?!?!

Oops, Too big, too big!
all in the name of playstation.
well, I guess you have an Aperture Science wallet...
but it's not justified.;)

hehe, good luck on your build. traitor.:p

Lol! How could you even tell from that photo?? My boyfriend just bought it yesterday... Wants to play that new Horizon Zero Dawn game. I can't say I'm not looking forward to The Last of Us 2 or anything either, but I'm an not a PS guy.. Your post made me laugh pretty good! Spartan for life, sir, spartan for life.
Lol! How could you even tell from that photo?? My boyfriend just bought it yesterday... Wants to play that new Horizon Zero Dawn game. I can't say I'm not looking forward to The Last of Us 2 or anything either, but I'm an not a PS guy.. Your post made me laugh pretty good! Spartan for life, sir, spartan for life.
believe me, it was really hard to tell...but you just know sometimes:D. nah, that ugly PS light in the front gave it away.
glad I made somebody laugh, though.:)

If I catch that playstation ever again, you're gonna pay, big time!:p

wait, does you're location say 'Tacoma, WA' ?
weird...I don't know many Spartans that live near me...very weird.

since you live close, did you go to jet city comic-con?

I was wearing my MC in my avatar.
since you live close, did you go to jet city comic-con?
I was wearing my MC in my avatar.
No, sadly I've never been to any comic-con. I've always told myself that if I went it would be in a full-on high-quality costume. Now that I've discovered pepakura... Let's just say I'm pretty excited. Whole-new-world kind of excited. But, yes I am a Taco-man.

If you can tell the enemy just from that, then I can only conclude you must have one too. :p
Nope! I will never join the dark side of PlayStation! Xbox for da ween!:p

and 'Taco-man' ??
Ohhhh...HA! now I see...funny. very funny.:lol:

good luck on your build.
no, the dark side of playstation doesn't have cookies. only slow processors.

xbox has cookies, though. chocolate chip. kosher chocolate chip.. totally making stuff up.
we...have...kosher pickles...I think.

well, at least Xbox actually looks nice...

Don't fall for the ice cream!!! he's evil! it's evil! playstation's evil! don't join them!
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