I love seeing progress on your build. The helmet is looking great so far.
About the leg pieces... Shin seems fine to me, but your thigh piece looks to big to me. o.o
That's probably because I have big thighs.

Lol. I'm glad you've been enjoying it so far! I actually worked a lot on it this weekend and your advice on rondoing the outside is really saving me a lot of work.
So, I took a trip to my parents so I could have the room to work on lots of pieces. Up first, fiberglassing the thighs and shin, followed by rondoing inside and out along with my chest and biceps, previously glassed.
As usual I started with the popsicle stick method to keep the items from warping.
I also took the opportunity to fix the shape of the shin. I did not like how they come straight down, so I glued shorter popsicle sticks inside to pull the bottom down into a taper. In the picture, the right shin has the supports and the left has none.
All glassed. Next comes edge clean up before rondo.
Disclaimer, the techniques I'm about to talk about are the most dangerous aspects of this method. Do not attempt without wearing proper respirators. Sanding, cutting, grinding fiberglass sends tiny pieces of glass into the air.
I don't think I've ever explained what I do between fiberglassing and rondoing the inside. Well if you suck at fiberglassing like I do then afterwards you are left with a resin jungle like this.
Not only do they poke you, but it takes a lot of rondo to cover it all. So instead I cut and grind them out with a Dremel. There are also "air bubbles" in the fiberglass that I grind out. The bubbles offer no support to the outside wall. Grinding out the bubble with allow rondoing to enter in and create a much stronger wall.
Here it is after grinding away.
These are the attachments I use for the Dremel, from left to right: reinforced cut off wheel, green silicone carbide grinding stone (hard), pink alumina oxide grinding stone (soft), sanding drum with 60grit sanding roll. I mostly use the first two.
I put in 15 hours this weekend and this is all I have to show for it! I'm still happy though. Just that much closer to owning my very own handcrafted armor.