Elusch99's Destiny Models

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Here is how the helmet turned out

that is awesome. more pics please

this is everything I have until now. the red death, there is a better version in my thread some where. that one is just for show
the rest should be good to go. I probably need to clean up the red death file anyways.

hope you guys can use these and they need to be separated.
definitely not unfolded

and thanks once again elusch99


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Hey, could you unfold the second chest for foam please

Comments and criticism are welcome
Downloaded that auto rifle (not the Red Death) and added it to my list of models to tinker with unfolding. Hopefully I'll have some luck there.

I've noticed a definitive lack inf scout rifles, though. No models yet, not much talk of them, and they didn't get the full reference/render treatment as all the other weapon types did. What's up with that? Really want my Jigoku SR3-SL (AKA "The Marksman's Best Friend, "or MBF for short) from the Beta (hoping it's relatively unchanged in the full version) but thus far the best I can find for any kind of reference is this and it's puny. I've found a few other Jigoku models on Bing but there are subtle enough differences that you can't really swap one for the other. Still, having any kind of scout rifle at this point would be better than nothing.

Still trying to figure out how the heck scout rifles work, though. I mean the magazine goes under the handle. And sideways. How the heck do the bullets get up to the firing chamber?
Still trying to figure out how the heck scout rifles work, though. I mean the magazine goes under the handle.
And sideways. How the heck do the bullets get up to the firing chamber?

Could be a motorized feed system... similar to the purely mechanical turntable system used on the FN P90 SMG.
I'd imagine Destiny takes place hundreds of years in the future, so anything is possible.
I'm looking for the model to a specific helmet from Destiny and hoped you could help - it's an exotic Hunter helmet 'Achlyophage Symbiote'.

I could make the main body of the helmet, probably, but the weird mold/volcanic ash stuff I can't do.

Not to worry on the weird part, but if you could get the helmet that would be awesome...then I'll need to get it unfolded too. Check out my work through my sig if you're interested. But yeh I'd be very grateful if you could help me getting this helmet to a real world item.
Thanks dude.
Thanks for made this post it will be very usefull! This Christmas I want to make my titan armor out of foam.
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