Emile's Visor?

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to tell you the truth, the skull reminds me of a locust, not Ghost form MW2 as people keep trying to say. Ya take that all you "gamers" who think halo is a complete rip-off of COD, Firefigt is not a copy of nazi-zombies and you know it! Sorry about my fit of rage. BTW does anyone know how this would look on a MK VI?

You'd definitely have to do some serious editing, because (as Storm said) it was designed for a globular EVA visor. I imagine that simply resizing it to fit on an MK VI visor would look a bit... squashed. Yo'd have to stretch it out or just make it really small.
You'd definitely have to do some serious editing, because (as Storm said) it was designed for a globular EVA visor. I imagine that simply resizing it to fit on an MK VI visor would look a bit... squashed. Yo'd have to stretch it out or just make it really small.

Even using it for the EVA, you can use this to see if the dimension are right from the front, but simply laying it over the visor makes it looks squashed since it's a 2d image of a 3d surface.
What if you just took the part of the skull that has the eyes and scratched that into a mk vi visor and painted the nose and teeth on the bottom of the helm? That would look tight.
What if you just took the part of the skull that has the eyes and scratched that into a mk vi visor and painted the nose and teeth on the bottom of the helm? That would look tight.

I actually think that would look pretty awesome, if you can get it to fit properly.

I remember seeing a video on youtube (linked from this site) where the guy (whose name always escapes me... Ben Something I believe) had a projecter projecting the image onto his helmet, and actually etched the image into the modelusing the projection as a sort of stencil.
What im doin is peppin the whole helmet, puttin this template i just found here on, carving it in, and the eyeholes, nose hole, and mouth in the skull, will be the real visor behind it, and everything outside the skull will be painted to look like visor, then ima do a EVA with a UA and no skull when i make a vacu-form
you could always use a visor off a motor bike helmet like this:

you could always use a visor off a motor bike helmet like this:


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