thank you i read this several times but my english seems not to be good enough to understand it correct
They say we are not allowed to modify the original logo right? But we can do something else for the regiments and then use both? Or are we allowed to modify and use elements of the original one?
Should we use the colors and fonts for our own logo? Or what are the expectations about a regiment logo?
Would be nice if someone can explain me
I have some time to build something if we need something.
Okay had some time between classes and worked on something.
The first one I did yesterday
Those are 3 variants of todays work. We might need to handle some copyright stuff since I did not draw the wreath myself, it's more like a concept.
I think I need to modify some more to fit the 405th standard, what do you guys think?
ok talked to the upper guys.
so we cant change the original logo. we can use the logo as a base and buidl our logo around it.
these logos from the southern and pacific will probalby be approved.
you can always upload them directly to the site. with the little portrait button in the teskt edit toolbar.
that way the posts will never get lost. if you upload to photobucket it might get deleted over time leading to dead links
okay, thought i read in a wiki thread we should use external image storage because of limited space in the forum I will store the next ones inside the forum