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Long weekend!
I started applying resin today. Beautiful sunny day for it!


I struggled at first because the resin I bought doesn't have any instructions on how much catalyst to add! Valuable hardening time wasted having to research.. grr

Managed to get a full layer on both shoulders and knees. Will do the inside layer of those tomorrow.
Front and back sections of the shins have one layer and I started on the thighs with the leftover resin from my last batch. Not quite as difficult as I was fearing so thank god!


PS: Remember to wear sunscreen when working outdoors *facepalm* I have a wedding to go to next weekend and now I'm darker on the left side. #firstworldproblems


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Allllllllllrighty then.

I've been coughing and spluttering for two weeks now but I'm finally at a point where I can get back to work. I should have known that I could never get away with not catching anything during winter. It always catches up to you at some point, and always when you have a lot of social events to attend!

Spring is well under way now and we are having some beautiful warm days that are perfect for applying resin. I didn't get around to taking a picture of my progress but it's not really needed.

Progress since last post:

Shoulders - outside done - inside done
Knees - outside done - inside done
Shins - outside done - inside done
Thighs - outside done - inside 3/4 done
Butt - outside done - inside 1/2 done
Gauntlet (1) - outside done
Boots (1) - outside done - inside done
Chest - started on outside

One layer of fiberglass cloth will be going on the inside of everything once I can afford to buy some.
Also, I haven't thrown away any brushes yet. I'm using two different sized brushes that I clean off after every use thanks to some tips from a mate.

I was thinking of maybe filming a short tutorial, but there's probably too many tutorials out there already. Give us your opinion.
Woah, that is some very impressive pepping! keep up the steady progress, I'm adding this build to my watch-list for sure :thumbsup
Man, I'm learning things left and right in this thread. Get some sort of Xacto with a grip, check. Start helmets from the top and work down, check. Fiberglass is lighter than rondo, check.

It's coming together really nice, and yes, you are crazy for enjoying those small pieces. Exactly the sort of thing that stopped me from ever getting my NCR Ranger mask off the ground. I'm working on an ODST BDU, so hopefully I won't have so much in the way of delicate little pieces like that.

Keep up the spectacular work, I can't wait to see it finished.
Man, I'm learning things left and right in this thread. Get some sort of Xacto with a grip, check. Start helmets from the top and work down, check. Fiberglass is lighter than rondo, check.

It's coming together really nice, and yes, you are crazy for enjoying those small pieces. Exactly the sort of thing that stopped me from ever getting my NCR Ranger mask off the ground. I'm working on an ODST BDU, so hopefully I won't have so much in the way of delicate little pieces like that.

Keep up the spectacular work, I can't wait to see it finished.


If you're looking for the same knife as me, the brand is Fiskars. Orange packaging. The blades are no different to the Xacto. I got it in the art and crafts area. Have a look around areas focused on scrap-booking because they have heaps of nifty tools for cutting and folding.

Good luck with yours!
Update that isn't much of an update

I've been getting back into reading my book again (A Dance with Dragons... Game of Thrones book 5) plus trying to study... trying.. And I start my new job this evening so yay money!

But I did manage to detach the struts from one of my thigh pieces because I wanted to see how it fits... and well... it fits! Once I get the layer of fibre glass on the inside I can finally slid the pieces onto my duct tape twin and see how they all look together :cool

It's been unseasonably hot the last few days so working with resin was out of the question. Bleah!

Also, Halloween tomorrow night! I don't have anything new to wear so I may end up running around the nightclubs dressed as Magikarp.. we shall see.

Anyways here's a picture of my thigh. I don't have an undersuit yet so my shorts will just have to suffice for now. Lol



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I think you might have it up a bit too far, I think if you had it up that far it would collide with the codpiece. But you're probably aware of that, I assume you had to pull it up to keep it in place long enough for you to photgraph you. It's definitely coming along nicely. What parts do you have done again? And are you keeping them all on the dummy C8lyn? If so, a picture to see how it's all coming together would be nice.

No, I'm serious, I read all of your posts with a (probably comically overstated) 'Stralyn accent.

But I've been looking a LOT at the files for my ODST build recently (collecting them all in one place and deciding which ones I'm going to use, as I've ended up mishmashing from a few different modelers) and honestly, the biggest question I've had so far is How the **** am I supposed to tie my boots with the shinguards on? And as far as I can tell, there's no black magic involved, I probably just have to pull the shinguard up some, but that's assuming I can. This might just be my concept of spatial relations failing me, but we'll see what happens. Worst case I have to cut the thing in half and rig some way to keep it closed around my leg (I've seen some people have success with magnets).
What parts do you have done again? And are you keeping them all on the dummy C8lyn? If so, a picture to see how it's all coming together would be nice.

I think a lot of costumes require a bit of help to assemble. Lol

I know it's up a bit high. Once I get the layer of fibreglass in the pieces I will slide them onto the dummy so I can see how it all looks! A couple of posts back I listed what I had resin'd. I have every pepped except for one gauntlet, the gloves/finger bits, and one boot to glue together.

Perhaps I need to do a small video one day with my 'Strayan accent :cool
Dammit.. I moved my photos to a dedicated folder on photobucket, not thinking about the effect it would have on here.

I'll fix it all up soon... when I can be bothered.. ugh..

Edit: All fixed now :)
Finally bought some fiberglass cloth today so I can get started on making things really hard ;) ;)

I haven't done anything for a while and I'm starting to get twitchy. Progress must be made!
ok have to say great work on every thing from the start' im new to pepakura and seeing what you have done gives me a nice road map as it were of how to go about things' keep going can not wait to see your armor all finished :)
Bit more resin yesterday. It's too dang hot today to do any work (It's not even summer yet! uuuuuuhhhhh!) So I'll just share some pictures.

Here is my duct-tape twin with all the pieces I have stiffened and are waiting for their fiberglass layer.



Pieces still in progress. Just started on the back of the torso, but the front is almost... fully hard....


Helmet still untouched. I don't want to wreck it! Eep! Plus a boot!


I need to pep my other gauntlet and boot. I made a mistake with the size of the gauntlet and I've just been too lazy to glue the other boot together. Meh.


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Hmmmm...... How long will it take to eat those cookies? Lol! I think your pep is coming along rather nicly. Keep up the good work!
I can totally agree with the others about leaving raw pep laying around. Get some resin on them quickly before you go too far with the rest. You can thank us later. :D

Seriously. Resin. Now.


Edit: Apologies, I didn't realise there was another three pages and you had already done the resin. Jumped the gun on you..

Great work. Very clean pep.

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