Well I've avoided this thread for long enough. Yesterday I stumbled upon this app "Alter Titan" that's like a sci-fi rpg/PokeMon Go clone that uses excersize to level up your character. It's cheesy I'm sure, probably with poor gameplay mechanics, but if it gets me to excersize then I'm all for it.
My goal is to start with easy 15 minutes a day of simple excersize each day (e.g. pushups, situps, stretching). I'm hoping that I'll learn to like it and want to do more. At the very least let's stop looking like a desk jockey xD
This game also has "Platoons" so if enough of us got interested in trying it out we could potentially make a 405th platoon (though I don't think we can make it exclusive to our members) and then we could keep track of eachothers progress and inspire/encourage consistency

. I only got to download it this morning though, so I've no idea really if it's any good or not. Seems cool though.