Fan Expo Dallas (June 7-9th 2024)

Alright peeps so I have 1 3-Day pass still available & a pass available to be used Friday & Sunday if anyone needs
This was posted on the discord but not here so I'll go ahead and post the list sweed made:
Booth Items
Cherri:Flagpole + flag Turtle rack Table banner Tablecloth Locus helmet Cavalino helmet
Wombat: Stanchion Backdrop stand Nerf bulldog
Winree: Helmet stands ODST props
Blaze: ODST helmet Plasma Pistol water bottles
Myr: Nerf Needler Nerf AR Helmet stand (if needed)
Tj: Flag from KG
We are a few days out! The plan for Saturday morning is to meet at the spot marked out on this map, near the bridge to the Omni. The photoshoot itself will be at 8am, but please plan on being there earlier than later. The shoot will be done in the big lobby area, exact location will depend on the crowds at that time. I can’t wait to see everyone!
We are a few days out! The plan for Saturday morning is to meet at the spot marked out on this map, near the bridge to the Omni. The photoshoot itself will be at 8am, but please plan on being there earlier than later. The shoot will be done in the big lobby area, exact location will depend on the crowds at that time. I can’t wait to see everyone! View attachment 348954
This will also be our meeting spot on friday before the booth is set up!
Confirmed Boots On The Ground:
- ImBlaze
- CallumWinree
- SpartanSweed
- CherriDragon
- Oddball422
- crackhead09 +2
- Elbroman
- WandererTJ +1
- ultrawombat222
- MyrHerder +1

This is currently who is going to Fan Expo Dallas. If you would like to go please Update this forum thread. As for now this is who is going. As for our booth. we will be at:

Community Zone Hall F, across from the Main Theater,
in Booth #CM64 with a space allocation of 20x10
- Crackhead
Going Friday as scout!!
Great job y’all for yesterday and today! I’m so proud to be a part of this community and I’m so happy to have met more members! Thanks a lot Sweed and Cherri for helping us with setting up and planning as well! I hope to meet everyone soon again and for the Southwest members. It’s time to get to the next step from this con and I’m pretty confident with this group we can do that! I miss y’all and hope safe travels for everyone else!

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