Fan Fest Dallas October 19 & 20 2024


405th Regiment Officer

Hi everyone, this has been a bit of a mess but we are slated for Fan Fest.

I only have 2 spare badges for this event. And we’ve been given a space of 15x10. We will be in meeting room 2 in booth #CM03

I will be there in my newest armor. If you are local to Dallas and can help out please let me know. Sorry about badges, I wasn’t given a choice on it.

Hi everyone, this has been a bit of a mess but we are slated for Fan Fest.

I only have 2 spare badges for this event. And we’ve been given a space of 15x10. We will be in meeting room 2 in booth #CM03

I will be there in my newest armor. If you are local to Dallas and can help out please let me know. Sorry about badges, I wasn’t given a choice on it.
I can likely only go if I get a badge unfortunately I don’t have the money to go without one. But if I have one I definitely will be going!
Shoot, same deal as me. With money tight as heck, I would probably only go one day and would only bring stg johnson out.
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