This happened yesterday.
I actually said something mean.
I was playing with a General, 2 brigadiers and a Colonel, we were doing social slayer and I was trying to get Exp.
Well the General and myself (we were partied up and friends) both got 12, (note, I'm only a captian grade 2) and the brigadiers + colonel got like 4, 5, and 3. I was like "You guys must be having a bad game, cause that's your amount of kills is TERRIBLE. I thought brigadiers were supposed to be better. No offense."
Needless to say, the three (all of which were friends) got very, very, very angry.
I got challenged 1 v. 1, I told them I'd deny since it clearly wouldn't be a fair fight.
But anywho, my team lost that game, it wasn't even close.
36 to 50?