Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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Aaaand, finaly an update. I'll be honest - I've been lazy ass lately. I apologize for that but also now I have to grind my teeth because of that because I've wasted time. :/

Anyway, The right shoulder is almost finished - I' still have to finish sanding, but I plan to add additional and finishing details tomorrow as well.
I don't add a lot bondo layer, just a little bit so it isn't a lot of sanding to make the areas smooth.


ALSO, I've bought such silicon-like flexible board... Again, it's kitchen stuff, haha. It seems I'm a woman, because I use a lot of kitchen stuff.
But, the board is flexible, so I can pretty much just flex it and clean the bondo.
I bought it today, so I'll be testing it. :)


this build is looking sick so far. I love the textured visor and everything is wonderfully done. keep it up!

Thank you very much. :)

He didn't fall....he was just ducking for cover from incoming fire..........

Yes! You're totally right! o.o
Let me know how the board works out! I have some extra ikea ones hanging around which I'd totally use for this now that I have no need for cutting boards >_>
Great work on that shoulder, Mara! Your suit is going to look amazing when it all comes together.
Alright! Another update. I wasn't lazy anymore. I can't afford that anymore, heh.
I'm ALMOST done with the shoulder.
Just to sand some areas, fix one small part on the inner part, etc.

In the first picture, if you wonder why he black things - I'm using foam to make forms, I'll be filling them with rondo.

Other than that - some fixes and some minor sanding, it's pretty much done and I'll be moving to the other shoulder tomorrow.

OH and add scratches, etc.

//BTW - there is a high chance that my computer will be ready tomorrow to pick it up!!! Yay! I'll have my pc back and that means I'll be able to do that tutorial. :3


The small thing to fix - here you can see it... On that small part that is on the inner part of the arm. I could have left it out, but it had been bugged me. I just removed the paper and will be filling it with bondo tomorrow.
It is just a minor detail.


Let me know how the board works out! I have some extra ikea ones hanging around which I'd totally use for this now that I have no need for cutting boards >_>

Well, for now it works out great. :3
It's flexible so I can bend it and get off most remains of the bondo.

Great work on that shoulder, Mara! Your suit is going to look amazing when it all comes together.

Thank you very much. :)
After you finish your suit, you should really consider doing this professionally. It'll take a little more practice to get the speed down, but the quality has been there from day one!
Hey wolverine the link is broken can you please fix?.......;)
Well, technically I could. :lol When Mara goes pro some time in the future, I'll be happy to help her out with some website stuff... :cool

And to not forget to mention: Really nice progress. Like I said again and again - I cannot wait to see the whole suit come to life when worn together.
The right shoulder is ALMOST done. Tomorrow I'll start painting.
I just have to do some last few touches to sand or bondo here and there, etc. Seriously - last touch ups - to sand that small panel I did with rondo in the middle and one on the other side.

Just as comparison, here on the left is what it looks almost finished an on the right is the left shoulder, where I'll be starting to work tomorrow... Today I've also removed the shiny layer with the dremmel and tomorrow I'll start adding bondo.

//I'm curious if I'll be able to finish bondo'ing and sanding the other shoulder during weekend, LOL... well, gotta get some Spartan speed, because I have only a month left, hah!
It would be perfect if I could finish the other shoulder in the upcoming days, during weekend or til Monday/Tuesday and start working on the chest piece... which I prefer would take about a week ._.
BUT, I'm thinking about a plasma damage on the left shoulder... either a dent from a plasma shot or maybe even a slice from an Energy Sword? What do you think?//


Here is an earlier shot from earlier today - that area is sanded down already.


Alright, I know I'm pretty pale, but I'm not white...


Also... I have my computer back! It was too long!
But... damn, my PC seems to be corrupted.
Light and Dark side of the Force?
Red versus Blue?
Or the AI has gone rampant?


After you finish your suit, you should really consider doing this professionally. It'll take a little more practice to get the speed down, but the quality has been there from day one!

Hah, thank you very much, but it's just ha hobby. ;)
It's more fun that way.

Hell yeah... I can already see it in my mind: www.maraprops.com - Custom made game, movie & cosplay stuff, tutorials and collector's reviews. :)

Thanks, but as fun as it sounds, this website will never be operational... I know there are too many talented people out there already, especially with the 3D printing, which is way more superior to be honest.

Hey wolverine the link is broken can you please fix?.......;)

I've been saying her quality of work is professional since page 1!!! And I stand by it. Great job CommanderPalmer (Mara)!!!!

Thank you very much. Seriously, I appreciate that. ^^
Will do, Spartan!

Like I said again and again - I cannot wait to see the whole suit come to life when worn together.

Like I said - will you come to Gamescom - you'll see... but I'm not sure if I'll have the helmet ready as well.
Should I not finish the helmet in time... Luckily, Commander Palmer often goes helmet-less... :3




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It makes your hand look like it isn't real!

Almost like you were a cgi character.

"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie
It makes your hand look like it isn't real!

Almost like you were a cgi character.

"I don't know what's weirder, that you're fighting a stuffed animal, or that you seem to be losing" - Suzie

Heh, AI?
Here are some photos I took of some progress steps I did today.

Sanding done.




Sprayed light gray paint.


Also, I have no idea why, but it took ma WAY too long to cover the whole shoulder with tape.
Watched 2 episodes and I still wasn't done. o.o


In the meantime I've covered the other shoulder with bondo. As you can see, rather thin layers. I prefer to do thin layers rather than thick... I can do multiple layers rather than having to sand something off...

ALSO, a quesion. I want to add more battle damage here. Preferably PLASMA damage.
What would be better - either a dent from a plasma shot or maybe even a slice from an Energy Sword? What do you think?

I think it would be the coolest to see dents where the plasma shot would have melted areas!
I think it would be the coolest to see dents where the plasma shot would have melted areas!

Hah, I've done it already on the undersuit.

I just can't really choose whether to do a bigger dent from a charged plasma pistol or a bit longer plasma damage from an energy sword (like it sliced through part of the shoulder armor) .

Well, not too much done today - sprayed dark gray markings and made that UNSC logo and red markings...
Damn, I have to say this was the hardest and most irritating marking I had the pleasure of doing. x_X
It was easy for them to just paste the logo in the game on the model. Sure. However to make that here? Especially with the area where are many layers and bumps?
I'm kind of glad the other shoulder has just a straight line instead of other UNSC logo...

Also, just added light for fun to see more 'end result', but the LED is stronger - the light was laying on the floor underneath...

But yeah, not only do some more scratches and paint details and damage and weather it... and done.

Like I said - will you come to Gamescom - you'll see... but I'm not sure if I'll have the helmet ready as well. Should I not finish the helmet in time... Luckily, Commander Palmer often goes helmet-less... :3
Unfortunately, I don't see myself visiting Gamescom this year. Will have to wait for the photos... :behave

Alright. Well, not too much done today - sprayed dark gray markings and made that UNSC logo and red markings... Damn, I have to say this was the hardest and most irritating marking I had the pleasure of doing. x_X It was easy for them to just paste the logo in the game on the model. Sure. However to make that here? Especially with the area where are many layers and bumps? I'm kind of glad the other shoulder has just a straight line instead of other UNSC logo...

Also, just added light for fun to see more 'end result', but the LED is stronger - the light was laying on the floor underneath...
Shoulder piece is looking awesome! What can I say, no surprise... :D
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