Hardened today the right thigh. 3 layers of resin inside and outside.
It took some time, because it was sitting on my leg every time it dried.
Why? Resined, fiberglassed and bondo'd armor is hard and rigit. It won't flex like foam.
So, I wanted to be able to move freely - to bend and lean forward, to sit and even crouch.
But, with all these different movements, the leg changes shape a bit and I didn't want to put any stress on the thigh armor.
This is why I actually made the armor wider - I put two additional paper pieces so it is very very loose now when I'm standing, but it doesn't have any stress when I move the leg in any direction.
How I did it? I put the armor piece on my leg. I sat and basically made the leg lean forward and each time I brushed a new layer, I sat in a similar position to keep the shape and not make it warp.
It took some time, but yeah, it's hard now.
I didn't fiber glass it yet.
I wanted to do second thigh too.
I ran out of resin. ._.
I didn't think I'd use so much! I thought I had enough and I'd still have some left!
But well, I had to go for the second time and buy the resin. I bought fiberglass too, because I've seen I didn't have enough.
Well, tomorrow, if it will be sunny, I'll be hardening other thigh too and hopefully fiberglass both too.
And I'm doing that upper part facing little bit outwards, just to be able to actually bend forwards. In the game the model parts overlap when the Scout Spartan is crouching, jumping or leaning forward, etc.
And yeah, you can see my very flat hobbit feet! I like to be barefoot.