Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

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SI3RRA 117 I make them digital, then print them out, cut out and use as template which I draw on tape and cut out and spray paint.

Spartan55 Why would your armor ever suck . _ .

SavedbyGraceG12 Yeah, I suck I know. ^^


Yay, the right thigh is now all done and prepared for weathering and finishing. Working on left thigh and will start to strip down paint from shins too...

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Opps didn't mean that it was going to suck I meant it's going to suck taping it:lol:
Also I noticed that you have stenciled out the red parts do you do that while the tape is on the armour?
AlphaZero Um... I've never seen someone painting the foam first, then gluing it on... Foam is flexible, while the paint is more flexible, I would never even think about painting the foam first, then gluing the pieces on the armor... You need to heat seal the foam first (and if you're sealing it more with pva,plastidip, etc then it's even more work) and even heat sealing foam it will 99% shrink it and deform it if you don't glue it first.
I have never seen anyone sealing and painting all small foam pieces and then only gluing them together...
Like it or not, masking is part of the paintjob. ^^" You can go away with masking if you are just doing one color for full armor.
Well, spray painting for me is just the beginning, then I'll paint many things by hand and weather the whole part...

Spartan55 I mean, I realized that when I was writing that post, but I was curious why would it suck :p Unless you plan on doing many details in multiple colors, doing stripes or 'simpler' markings is much easier. :) So I'm just curious what you've planned.
It depends - I'm doing both. Cutting the markings out on the tape, or putting on the tape first on the armor part, then cutting it out - really depends. :)
AlphaZero Um... I've never seen someone painting the foam first, then gluing it on... Foam is flexible, while the paint is more flexible, I would never even think about painting the foam first, then gluing the pieces on the armor... You need to heat seal the foam first (and if you're sealing it more with pva,plastidip, etc then it's even more work) and even heat sealing foam it will 99% shrink it and deform it if you don't glue it first.
I have never seen anyone sealing and painting all small foam pieces and then only gluing them together...
Like it or not, masking is part of the paintjob. ^^" You can go away with masking if you are just doing one color for full armor.
Well, spray painting for me is just the beginning, then I'll paint many things by hand and weather the whole part...

Spartan55 I mean, I realized that when I was writing that post, but I was curious why would it suck :p Unless you plan on doing many details in multiple colors, doing stripes or 'simpler' markings is much easier. :) So I'm just curious what you've planned.
It depends - I'm doing both. Cutting the markings out on the tape, or putting on the tape first on the armor part, then cutting it out - really depends. :)
Thanks palmer. I'll probably ask you for more help wti get close to painting
Spartan55 You're welcome and yeah, if you have any questions - just ask. :)

No real update. Just seen Spider-Man and totally recommend watching it... And I've ordered a new Dremel today. I realized I won't find the tip for that chinese crap I have, so I'll rather order new one... Ordered real Dremel this time, not the cheapest crap possible. XD
Should arrive on Monday or maybe earlier... crying because my monies just flew away, but after some thought I will need it more often so I'll survive.
CommanderPalmer - Do you really need to heat seal it though? I would just hit it with primer then paint it. I would imagine primer does a great job filling the pores in the foam. It would also retain nearly all of its flexibility so attaching it after would be easy. I don't have any experience with foam so I'm just curious as I will be using some in my build, and if there is a more efficient way to do something then why not right.
CommanderPalmer - Do you really need to heat seal it though? I would just hit it with primer then paint it. I would imagine primer does a great job filling the pores in the foam. It would also retain nearly all of its flexibility so attaching it after would be easy. I don't have any experience with foam so I'm just curious as I will be using some in my build, and if there is a more efficient way to do something then why not right.
Filler primer tends to crack, and does not fill in the pores of foam well at all. The way CommanderPalmer does it is the best and most efficient and effective way of doing it. I've tried what you suggested (with multiple brands of filler primer), but it cracks all over the place and looks pretty terrible once it's done.

Anyway, Commander, that thigh armor is looking fancy! Nice job! It seems that progress has slowed a little bit, tool but I still eagerly await more progress!
In the meantime I've made a video on how I add those details and all:

Also, I've finished left thigh... No idea why but I just couldn't find the motivation to do it... Weird, because it really wasn't that much work.
Now, preparing it for painting.
Started stripping down the paint on the right shin and half of it is done so I've went ahead and added details too. Still, now have to strip down paint from both shin pieces... and then only arm pauldrons and chest piece is remaining.

PS. I bought a Dremel tool! :D

Well it's about time!!!! I'm amazed you waited so long. Now you are going to become power mad with its use......be fore warned though.....it has a tendency of running away on you. Be firm w/ your grip but be gentle on the touch. If you press too hard, it will eat into your piece. You also need to follow the rotation of the Dremel.....Don't go back and forth. Just one way......What have you been using till now?
Um, Dirtdives, I was using a similar multitool since ages. But my father broke it and I was left with a shitty cheapest chinese crap... which didn't work because I lost a tip to it. So, I had to buy new one and instead of going for chinese cheap crap again, went for Dremel this time. ^_^ I did a lot of things with such tool, it was just different brand. I don't know what brand it was though, thought Dremel too or something similar. It wasn't mine. But it was much bigger and heavier than this Dremel 3000. It's much comfy to use it, when I was using other thing for a longer time my hand was hurting so much because that thing was heavy... This thing? So small and light. :D
Very comfortable in hand. I'm in love.
Also, dunno may be just me and that I've used a bigger and heavier tool before but this thing works like a charm, no running away at all.
ok just checking. congrats on teh new tool. Use it in good health.
looking good. And how is the face healing after the encounter with the Cut off wheel?
Dirtdives Seriously, thank you. ;) And I will! May the Force be with my Dremel. :D

@Kusak Words can't describe it...


-- UPDATE --

VERY late update... but oh well. Unfortunately it's been raining today again and I can't make progress with stripping paint. >:[
But, I primed the left thigh and gave it first coat.

Also, started weathering multiple pieces today!

Made some progress on right thigh... also did some work on the helmet but no photo, tomorrow maybe.


ALSO, did most work on this boot part. And this is very important because I'm using this for tutorial/walkthrough... so yep, it's coming soon finally. (you don't want to know how much footage I have recorded which I won't use because I'll have to cut it anyway :D)
Tomorrow will make more progress and finish it. :3

ALSO, did most work on this boot part. And this is very important because I'm using this for tutorial/walkthrough... so yep, it's coming soon finally. (you don't want to know how much footage I have recorded which I won't use because I'll have to cut it anyway :D)
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HAHAHAHA? "Foot-age"? xD

Nice paint work! Most impressive, most impressive! I definitely look forward to that tut. If it helps me improve my terrible painting skills, I'm all ears. lol. :D

Well... Mara mentioned it one time before. If ya don't believe me, check post #613 on page 25. Lol, knowing you blackwell, I thought maybe that's what you were referring to.:p

Well... Mara mentioned it one time before. If ya don't believe me, check post #613 on page 25. Lol, knowing you blackwell, I thought maybe that's what you were referring to.:p
Oooh. I see the hobbit feet now. So does that make a five-sided pun-tagon? Alright, I'll call myself a punslinger and then leave. Or, you can call me a punnana. (in case you didn't get that one, it's "pun+banana") HAHAHAHAHA. I need to stop now...I'm such a doof...lol. xD
LOL guys :lol: I love all the puns. :lol:
I find that hilarious SavedbyGraceG12 you still remembered that hobbit mention. And damn, mblackwell1002 is a Punnana Master. :D

Also, thanks but I won't go hard on the Dremel... I want it to live long. ;)

And are you serious mblackwell1002? You just did a tutorial so don't say you can't paint. :p

Painting today. Couldn't use the garden, so I'm weathering all the pieces I have prepared. :)
Finishing that helmet finally!

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