Finheads Ironman Build - Prototype Hing With Chin Movement P.10

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Burk said:
I am also glad to see you stayed. You do great work & would hate to see you go. Keep up the great work.

Thanks. :) I was hoping not to double post. :)

Here's the third and final thigh that I will be building, I have one left but here's the right side. It's from Dancin_Fool so If you haven't go it yet go grab it. This is a wicked awesome thigh very very accurate and has the extension pieces seperate so they can be mounted for easier movement. :)

Here's a few pics of all the pieces. :)








And what it looks like with my hybrid shin/knee section.



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Hardreg said:
I am also glad to see this post back up and runninging. Also just like everyone else I love the work you do just one thing. You said you use super glue, which I also do, but is that the brand of super glue you use because if you do wow that has to get expensive real quick. I just use generic super glue that comes in a 4pack at walmart because it only cost $1.00 there. Doesn't that stuff run about $3.00. Oh well your also in Canada and I personly do not no the exchange rate in money from the US to Canada so it might be bout the same price. Also I do about the same thing with my folds, but instead of a just plain razor I use a really dull exacto knife. So maybe I might be able to put out some decent work that might be compareable to yours some day. :D

Yep that's the brand and bottle I was using at the time. I actually think that is "the" most expensive part of this right now, I'm on my 5th bottle :eek Mind you I did make 2 extra sets of thighs/shins a tester chest (low def), 3/4 or a helmet that was way small and a War Machine chest and half a back so far. But it works very well, way better then reg superglue because it's the gel it has more control and stays where you put it and give a few more seconds to get the piece lined up. Oh and $3? I wish it's more like $5.75 and the exchange is on par right now, :) I'm going to see if I can order a case if I build more armor after this. :)
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Sorry about the double post, just wanted to let people know I'm going to be adding the files I've used to the first post. I'll have them done today sometime, but I put the thighs and Additions up for now.

Also wanted to say a big thanks to Dancin_Fool for these great files and Brother's Darkness, Dubean33, and Quartermain3000 for some great and hurried unfolds. You guys all rock. :cool

Oh and a little silly pic to show why fiberglass is the way to go for getting your pep strong. :) That's one of my hip pods cast with 1oz of resin and 2 layers fiberglass tissue not matt very light. :)

Looks amazing Finhead! as always. That file definitely came out amazing as I though it would. Thanks for showing us this and also that hip pod looks pretty strong :D
The King Cobra said:
Looks amazing Finhead! as always. That file definitely came out amazing as I though it would. Thanks for showing us this and also that hip pod looks pretty strong :D

Must be why it was the one part of the suit that still worked at the end of the movie. "FLARES!!!!!" lol
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Everything that I have seen on this thread has been excellent and I can't wait to see the final result! I just hope that my Iron Man looks as good. Thanks for sharing with us.
hmmmm fiberglass tissue .... never used that before done the cloth and the Matte before but never tissue must look into this and of course awesome work as always.
Got a little bit done yesterday afternoon and today. The right side and pelvis are just started only first coat of filler, just wanted to throw it on there to balance it out a bit. Don't mind the mess I was focused on this not cleaning up.











And the next thing I'll be finishing to mold up and cast.


just when i think you can't possibly one up yourself, you blow everyone away again with your attention to detail and incredible dedication to this project. This is so full of win!
hai finheads,

that's a great armor build.

can you tell me where to find the pdo file for knee till the toe?

because i cant find it..

thanks a lot.
Holy crap, finhead! That's lookin so good, it's not fair. I'm totally geekin out over your armor there, man... But then, it is 5 in the AM... I gotta hit it now before I fall over.
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