Finish Painting

Should I do a clear gloss coating on my armor?

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When I finish painting my armor, should I put a gloss paint on it when its done? Im painting the main color with a matt finish and the black secondary with acryllic paints.

In game the armor looks shiny, does anyone know if it would look good before i try it?
No, it really makes the product not look metallic at all. The paint itself usually provides enough shine.

Besides, in military purposes, you don't want yourself glinting like a "Shoot this!" beacon. ;)
Is there a small area that you can test it out on? I'm sure it will look good regardless, but it all depends on what you think looks good; you never know, it might not turn out the way you thought it would, then you would have to sand/repaint/refinish it all over again. On the other hand, it might add just the right touch. When in doubt, always test it out. :)
Wow thanks for the really fast reply guys :)

I might do like cortana says and test it. The paint i have is flat and rough. It just doesnt seem right you know? Im just getting a bad feeling about it.

I might be overthinking it because its my first armor and want everyone to love it lol.
If I may add my two bits. About a year ago I became aquainted with a man who is very active in the military. He goes to the middle east and all kinds of things. One of his "specialties" is teaching escape and evasion, which includes concealment. He constantly drilled into my head that 1st, there is nothing tactical about black, and 2nd, the more natural the paint job, the better. I saw him spray paint his flipping rifle with brown, green, and, believe it or not, red spray paint from wal-mart, and then simply put his rifle in the bushes. from accross the street, we couldn't see the thing at all. SO, if you want a realistic, 'I'm a highly-trained spartan here to tactically kick butt' look, do something flat, greenish brownish or whatever color scheme you want. But, if you wanna show yourself off and be the talk around the block, be flashy. It's all up to you, bro. Good luck, hope it works out great. And, post some pics! I love seeing other people's work; it sometimes helps me on my own.
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