Finished Grunt Armor!

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New Member
I finished the Grunt armor for my son, and it turned out great! He got extra candy from several houses for having the "best costume of the night", and even had many people take pictures of him! =D I was told before not to use Facebook for posting pics, so I am trying to link it to Photobucket. Hope it works, and thanks to Zatgerman for all the help figuring out scaling, I coudn't have figured it out without him! =D
I posted a link to the pic. I don't know how to put the picture in the post, if anyone could explain it to me I would happily put a pic in there
use the

To the left of the pic in Photobucket is an area called "Share This Image". Just click in the "IMG Code" box and copy the contents (likely happens automatically). Then paste it into your post. The forums will display the pic automatically:


This looks awesome. Nice job on pepping.
Second one ive ever seen. This girl's is flipping sweet
shows what a great paint job can do for your armor
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Nice work! Very true to the original design. Well done. :)

Also, why are we not allowed to use facebook for photos? I've been not doing things right, I guess...
That’s awesome!! As Dad myself I like to see parents doing special things with and for their kids. That’s the first one I have seen. Very nice work
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