Finished Pepakura MA5C

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Wow. I gotta say that I am very impressed with that. I'm building a MA5C also but I think I will do it the old-fashioned way and make it from solids. My fat fingers are not that coordinated. LOL
i got a whole bunch of weapons lined up on my ever-growing to-do list......

Yeah, i know mine is crooked, but you should see it now.....its coming apart! Jesus, i suck. glue sucks.

and show us some pics, too! the anticipation is crazy right now!

im thinking about starting over, but Master Chef, good work!
looks good i just started mine but im kinda stuck trying to think how im gonna put all the wires in and fill it with foam as i build it.
OMG thank you ive been looking all over the place for a assult riffle and u got me one thnxs man

A true spartan never dies he just respawns
no, pepakura dosent come with directions.

go to the search feature, its ALL there.

plus, this is a dead (somewhat) topic.
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