Finished "We Are ODST" costume

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Very very nice work!

Can I ask what percentage was your own scratch build and what percentage was pep-based?

Here's the breakdown:

Arms (gauntlets, hands, shoulder tops and bottoms) are 100% my sculpt. Gauntlets are my custom pep files (not available, i can't save them), the rest were sculpted.

Shins and knees are the Weta-style ODST pep files on the wiki, but then modified by me to look more accurate. Still very unaccurate and rather small for this costume, but they work in a pinch. The thighs and hips are 100% my sculpts (custom peps. again, not available - can't save).

"Groin," and "belt" pieces are the ones available on the wiki, and they will be replaced with custom sculpts after D*Con. Belly and rib pieces are custom sculpted.

Chest piece is forgedreclaimer's chest, though slightly modified. I'd like to do my own custom sculpt later on, but it's not a priority right now.

Backpack is a custom pep of mine, though I need to redesign the side parts since I've learned of new details after the molds were made.

Helmet is based on rundown's medium-resolution file, but then about 40% of the actual pep was chopped off and custom faux-pepped by myself. Then the shape of the dome was also altered, and all the sculpting part was me.
Also, I can't seem to edit my posts. It just sits there and churns after I press "save." It never finishes sending the updated post.

I was going to add that the butt plate is my custom pep as well.

Grenades (grid pattern is off) are my sculpt, and the SMG is mine as well.
Dude, that is just sick.
Amazing costume, man. Can we get a closeup of the chest piece?

Thanks. Here you go.

Just... wow. Amazing work. Every time I look at it, it just keeps getting better! You've inspired me to finish my ODST armor!
Thank you.
We debuted the costumes today at a small local convention here in Huntsville, AL. Right now we only have the two costumes, but by Halloween we'll have a total of 4 costumes (two veterans [as pictured] and two rookies). We don't have any pics from inside the convention hall (yet) but here is a shot of the two of us immediately after suiting up. It's sweltering down here in Alabama right now, so to help out a bit we went without neck seals.

holy crap, those look amazing! Very nice job... and sucks about the weather, apparently we were hitting the 100's for the past week where i live...
hey dude can u make something like that but the only thing i dont like is the visor is too light you should make it darker and could u make mine look like the rookie
Stealthblock117, not to be rude or anything, but that really isn't what this site is about. I know that you've just joined, and this is your first post, but its probably not a good idea to go asking for a suit, critiquing it, and wanting changes to it all in one post lol. His ODST armor isn't based off of the game models, but off of the live action trailer "We Are ODST"

And I would like to add, torsoboy, that is amazing. I can tell by looking at your suit that you put a lot of time and effort into that. As another member said earlier in the thread, you really do look like you have stepped out of the trailer. I do have a question though, and this is not meant to be a critique in any way, I'm just curious. Why did you go with the clear visor instead of the darkened visor? I know both are shown in the video, and my guess is that you have much better visibility, but I could be wrong. Overall your suit rates an Excellent in my book.
Wow. Looks amazing. I too must also ask, why did you go with the clear visor instead of the black tinted one instead?
Amazing Costume though. Love the SMG!
Very nice work on this project! Both suits turned out great.

Would it be alright if I contacted you sometime in the future? I will have some questions regarding my current project casting-wise.

Again, great job :)
Amazing suit mate! I have one of my own but it's made from Sean Bradley's kit. I wish I had the patience and the skill to build my own suit from scratch like that. Simply awesome! It's really cool to see all the suit variations
hey torso can i get some shots of just the backpack...gettin ready to throw the one together i picked up from you and was wanting so good shots of it.
Wow, this looks fantastic!! Love the build! The backpack is awesome, and so is the weathering. No matter what anyone says, this freaking rocks! Props on the build!!
hey dude can u make something like that but the only thing i dont like is the visor is too light you should make it darker and could u make mine look like the rookie

Right out of the cages, this one. Yeah I won't be building anyone any suits. Posting pictures of my stuff doesn't mean I'm Wal-Mart. And the assumption that I'm going to make you a suit doesn't help. Why don't you try putting effort into learning the hobby?

Thanks for the comments guys.

I chose the clear visor primarily because everyone else does the tinted ones. I wanted to be different. There is canon set for it both in the game and in the live action trailer, so it's an option, but everyone seems to ignore it. Plus, I think it adds a very realistic and interesting aspect to the franchise overall. I understand that in the Halo Universe, the polarized visor could be that the HUD is active, or that you've gone into night vision mode or something, but if you look at real world soldiers, some times you just see them wearing a set of clear goggles just to keep the dust out of their eyes, instead of going for the shaded goggles. Also, having the polarized visor, while it is certainly fun in costume, takes a good amount of humanity away from the character. Given that these are regular human characters, keeping the visors clear shows that humanity out right and allows for any onlookers to connect to your costume in a very personal way.

Now that's not to say I haven't tried going for the silver tinting (and yes, it's silver in the live-action trailer). I found a silver spray tint online, but the seller never shipped it (though they did charge me for it! $40 down the drain!), so I never got to use it. And I can't find it elsewhere.

But even after the silver spray tint fiasco, I still like the clear visor better for the aforementioned reasons.
Now that's not to say I haven't tried going for the silver tinting (and yes, it's silver in the live-action trailer). I found a silver spray tint online, but the seller never shipped it (though they did charge me for it! $40 down the drain!), so I never got to use it. And I can't find it elsewhere.
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Great work! I like the clear visors. It definitely adds humanity to the armor set. Only downside is the fact that everyone will see just how warm that sucker gets as soon as the sweat starts. xD

On your weathering technique, would you mind explaining more on how you reached the final result? Is it mainly paint/acrylics or were there other materials used?
I think you've done an amazing work. You definitely look like a marine soldier today. I could not find any faults at all.
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