FireDrakeArchons Armor build

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Okay heres the recent pics of my MK VI torso. This specifically is Supertaco's torso size tester.



These bottom two are me wearing the arms of my MK V suit, EOD helmet, and crappy assault rifle size tester (prop/profile/whatever?)



Okay, I've added a poll for the next helmet I'll make. Also, I've decided to dub this just my armor thread, not just MK VI. Pics of my CQB helm to come soon.

Well, actually forget about that assault rifle thing. My ceiling fan blew it off of my "display" shelf, as it is open on one side, onto the floor over night. And it just so happens that my one year old mini schnauzer likes to jump off at night, find something to chew(which she doed most nights) and jump back on my bed before i get back up. Clever little ****. Guess what she found last night?

FireDrakeArchon said:
Well, actually forget about that assault rifle thing. My ceiling fan blew it off of my "display" shelf, as it is open on one side, onto the floor over night. And it just so happens that my one year old mini schnauzer likes to jump off at night, find something to chew(which she doed most nights) and jump back on my bed before i get back up. Clever little ****. Guess what she found last night?

Haha ouch that sucks. Good luck on making a new one
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Well, it was technically just a shell. Anyways, back to the armor. Nothing new as of now, though I'm looking into some of he perms right now, along with the rest of the armor.

Okay, I have to as this one to the pros. Should I have to trim the neck so that my head can fit through the armor? The torso I have fit snug, but my head barely squeezes through it. Is there a point-of-screwing-up-the-look that I should avoid?

If you have to trim it, I would say don't trim any more than you need to. I don't have one in front of me so I can't really go into detail. If you need to trim more than a 1/2 inch to an inch, it's probably too small and you need to scale up.
hey which torso tester did you use? because I downloaded on from fling squirls topic, adn it sed by supeteco and it had no numbers, so i dont know how to put it together waaa
edit: im so dumb, it dint have edge id on
Okay, I have an update(finally!) I've got the right leg made so far. I also made the boot, but I didn't picture it here. These are Robogenesis's models, and the scaling works great!


I hope by tomorrow to have the crotch made, and possible the left leg by Friday.


EDIT: Also, I need to ask about where I can find a good visor.

nice. if only i can get that far. im only on the helm itself which is the first thing i ever did at the moment.
Okay a bit of an update. the legs and crotch are assembled, so put with the other stuff I have made, it looks like a full suit. But again, it's my MK V arms, size tester torso, and EOD helmet. Still, It looks good. Yes, I'm aware that that's the worst undersuit of all time, but I'm like really skinny, so I need that for bulk. Hopefully, I'll have BLACK jeans in the next picture.




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