FireDrakeArchons Armor build

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So, except for those little bump things, the CQB is assembled. Also, take notice of the poll. I do need a little input on which helmet to tackle next, and whose MK VI helmet to make.

my peice of advice not saying its a bad helm its really nice!!! but i advise to do fs helm before df4l because i learned when i did mine that it warped a little easy and needs more bondo/ detail/smoothing... so i say fs no offence df4l its a good helm but yea...
When you say you did yours, which yours did you mean? Also to clarify, the ODST helmet listed there it the Spartan Permutation one, not NZ-TK's ODST helmet.

FireDrakeArchon said:
When you say you did yours, which yours did you mean? Also to clarify, the ODST helmet listed there it the Spartan Permutation one, not NZ-TK's ODST helmet.


NZ-TK's ODST helm is the SPARTAN permutation.

Also, nice work on the armor. I eagerly await updates.
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Looking good so far, Drake! Nice job on the scaling, btw! ;)

Though you haven't gotten anything resined/fiberglassed yet, at least you have a full suit to work with. That's a helluva lot more than I've got going at the moment:lol:

Like you, I have a very slender frame, so I'm thinking I'll most likely have to go the route of buying a pressure suit (like Adam and others have used) to "beef up" a bit. They're relatively cheap, too; only $89.99 USD at ""... :whistle:


Finally, a worthy update! I've made Robo's torso and Belakor's Recon helmet. I'll probably do Ruze's ODST helmet next.

The last pic shows what I've made so far(minus a MK V helmet)

Sorry for the double post, and the blurry pics. Well, It's been two months, and I've done alot.

Front to Back: MK VI, ODST, Recon, CQB, and EOD.

Assorted pieces

SKG's ODST torso armor and an Arbie Helmet

another Assorted pieces

Assault Rifle(MA5C) and Frag Grenade. That cross on the grenade was put there when my freind and I pretended it was thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, from that Monty Python movie.

And tonight, I resined my first piece of armor!(<-noob moment...) I did the MK VI, mainly because I just built it about a day ago. I'm going to let it cure overnight on the back porch, then inspect it in the morning. Though im stuck till I get some Fiberglass Matting. Truth be told, I'm probably going to build a new set of armor, building it of better quality, as most all of it was a tad rushed. The handplate is an HD one, though. Comments? Opinions? Advice?

darkesword2020 said:
Just one thing....

How much free time DO you have??

(Not meant in an offensive or mean way)

Shoot me a pm, I have a proposal I'd like to make to you.

- Fitz
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@darkesword2020: Well, right now im out of school, and im at my house the whole day, so that means craploads of free time. Also, PM sent.

@macattack64: That would be because just this past week I finally got all the needed supplies to do the resining.

Reply pm sent.

I live the busy life...youth pastor by day, armorer by night, girlfriend comes first though....At least before armor..and I'm not sorry to say that :p

I can honestly say that it must be nice to have that type of time for your hobby!

Anyways...I'll be watching your thread with great interest mate!

Keep at it!

- Darke
Wow.... how long on average does it take you to finish folding and gluing a helmet? Just the helmets there would have taken me a good month!
@p0rtalman: The helmets were built over a few months period, but they weren't built one after another. I usually built something else after a helmet. But on average, probably a few days.

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