Sorry for the double post, and the blurry pics. Well, It's been two months, and I've done alot.
Front to Back: MK VI, ODST, Recon, CQB, and EOD.
Assorted pieces
SKG's ODST torso armor and an Arbie Helmet
another Assorted pieces
Assault Rifle(MA5C) and Frag Grenade. That cross on the grenade was put there when my freind and I pretended it was thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, from that Monty Python movie.
And tonight, I resined my first piece of armor!(<-noob moment...) I did the MK VI, mainly because I just built it about a day ago. I'm going to let it cure overnight on the back porch, then inspect it in the morning. Though im stuck till I get some Fiberglass Matting. Truth be told, I'm probably going to build a new set of armor, building it of better quality, as most all of it was a tad rushed. The handplate is an HD one, though. Comments? Opinions? Advice?