Eyyyy, small update!
So basically, the sky is falling over here... Snow = cold. Cold = stay inside. Stay inside = no painting :C
So i've not been able to work with the new chestpiece at all, apart from the last detailing...
instead, i've decided to start a magnum!
I got the idea when i went through my local food store, and they were selling thin plastic cutting boards for basically a dollar per piece!
I thought, why not make a sliced magnum out of plastic!
Luckily for me, the cutting boards sucked, and was pretty easy to cut through!
Now, i've had to rubber-band it together for the moment, since i need to put some epoxy and paint before i put it together!
I used a halo 3 model, since it had a lot of nifty little features! (don't remember the name of the guy who made it, but google sliced magnum, should be right there!)
One of these cool features was movable cocking mechanism and moveable trigger/clip!
So what i'll do from here is put some epoxy on there, finish the detailing, sand it off and paint it, and it'll be done!
Hopefully, it will all be as easy as i think it will xDD
Happy building 405th!