First Build - Guilty Gear x Reach Armor


New Member
Hello there,

This build came to my mind when I looked at the logo for "Speothos Venaticus" (a fictional death metal band set in Guilty Gear). I was thinking that I could somehow implement that skull logo design onto the EVA helmet, just like how Emile carved that onto his own helmet. This build is that it is an homage to Elphelt Valentine because her current fighting style relies on weaponry ranging from a shotgun, a rifle, pistols, and grenades.

I made some reference/prototype with the Vanity program and I am aiming for that aesthetic, but mainly replacing the skull design with the band logo.

Logos and Weapons Reference Sheet:

Vanity Blueprints:
Elphelt Prototype for Reach Armor.png
Elphelt Prototype for Reach Armor_V2.png

*I don't know why the kneepads rendered out to a bronze color for the second one.

Elphelt Prototype for Reach Armor With Etched Logo.png

This is what I want to do to the helmet for my first build.

Grenade Belt/Armor Design:
Elphelt Grenades Reference Startup.PNG

Elphelt uses a belt of grenades for her command grab super (kinda reminds me of that Halo 5 assassination with the plasma grenade). Going to see how I will implement that to the armor.

Left Shoulder Armor (Magnum Wedding Bullets):
Elphelt Unfired Bullet for Magnum Wedding Instakill Xrd.PNG
Elphelt Fired Bullet for Magnum Wedding Instakill Xrd.PNG

I will design the shoulder armor sniper bullets around her Xrd Instant-Kill super.

The real challenge with this build is customizing the vacuum form with that skull instead of the default one. The other is creating the prop weapons from Strive. Believe it or not, her arsenal in Xrd consists of a bazooka, strawberry shaped grenades, a sword, and a bouquet.

I'm not in a rush to get this finished before any major convention/event. I have no experience and no access to a 3D printer, so a good portion of this will be done with EVA foam.

I also found some 3D files for the rifle on Cults3D, and thankfully they have a list of 3D printing services.
Elphelt Valentine weapon Miss Charlotte Guilty Gear Strive Life Size prop

If anyone has any suggestions on how to develop the helmet (especially its visor), or on anything about this project, please let me know anytime. I am still looking through various references, sources, and models to help me envision this project. It might also help me find new ways to develop this build. Writing this down helped me sort out my thoughts for this project, and it only makes me want to go forward with it.
The visor would most likely need to be custom modeled, and vaccumformed to achieve what you are looking for out of it. Whats unfortunate however, is the EVA style visor is one of the hardest types of visors to replicate successfully due to it being mostly, a dome. I love the concept though!
The visor would most likely need to be custom modeled, and vaccumformed to achieve what you are looking for out of it. Whats unfortunate however, is the EVA style visor is one of the hardest types of visors to replicate successfully due to it being mostly, a dome. I love the concept though!
Thank you for the info! I managed to find someone on Instagram that specializes in EVA vacuum visors. I'm still exploring my options but this person's work is quality. If I manage to commission someone, I'll post the finished helmet alongside the artist.
A minor update on the thread
I am still waiting for the person's commissions to open up for the custom EVA helmet so that can take a while. I am considering on starting on a different armor set to get the experience in with building cosplays in general. Rather than starting with the Reach build, I would get started with a Mark 6 from Halo 3 to familiarize myself with the workflow. I will make indefinite updates on this build whenever necessary because I still want to run with this idea.
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